single umbilical artery

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I went in for a ultrasound and the tech said nothing to me. The dr. Came in and said that the umbilical cord is supposed to have 2 arterys and 1 vein going from the baby to the placenta. It turns out I only have 1 of each. Anyone else have the same thing or has herd of it? I am freaking out, please help!


  • He said it not to worry. In most cases the baby is fine. I just don't know much about it and I don't go to see my OB till the 7th of April. I did the foolish thing and looked it up on the internet and it said some pretty scary things.
  • I have seen several other mommas post on this subject and you are not the only one on Pregly who has had this issue. You may want to search to see if you can find some if those threads. I don't think you have anything to worry about... They will just want to monitor the baby a little closer to make sure he or she is getting what they need.
  • Thanks so much.
  • I have the EXCACT same issue and i am 28 weeks along. Ask me anything hun. I was so worried when my dr gold me literally the same thing i phoned my whole family and everything i thought it was the worst news but I'm telling u its not.
  • The first concern we need to address is did they confirm on the ultrasound that your baby has two kidneys?
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  • If I remember correctly he said everything looked normal. He said I would have to have a us every 4 to 6 weeks to make sure he is gaining weight and to make sure his insides look good . He said there is a chance something will go wrong but the chances are small.
  • Thanks. I am still worried but I guess it is just my nerves. I hope when I see the dr on the 7th, my mind will be at ease. I just do not want anything to happen to this baby. I have had 7 pregnancys and only 1 carried to term, he is now almost 4
  • I have the single artery umbillical cord as well. I worrryyy allllottt! Lol but from what I have read things should be alright. I'm gonna have to check that website :)
  • How far along are you 1sttimempmmu92?
  • 1sttimemommy92*
  • I have the single artery cord too! It's a girl..I'm 23 weeks along. She is checking out fine, both kidneys are good. I went and got a scan of her heart and everything was normal! I have to go in every 6 weeks for an US to keep an eye on weight. Doctor laughed and said I probably wouldn't mind a baby a little smaller since my son was 9lbs! :)
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