baby names?

edited January 2011 in Baby names


  • Mine so far r keagen Elizabeth or Tatum elizabeth
  • Not sure what we are having yet and our friends dont know we are pregnant but we thought if its a girl gulianna but now my friend is naming her baby that so got to come up with a new one
  • I'm not sure wat I'm having yet ither way I want to be ready;)
  • I'm having a girl, and we picked Kinley Lace :)
  • I tend to watch credits after a movie for help. I like old time names:) i have jack levi (his fathers middle name), russell owen and samuel everett. I have such a hard time with boy names. Hope this one is a girl... maybe claire:)
  • @Heather ... those are adorable boy names! :)
  • Yes I agree with her:)
  • Thanks! It took me til almost my due date to come up with them all... Lol! I come up with girl names I like all the time!
  • If it was a girl I had picked out "Skyla Nevaeh"
    BUT it's a boy, so his name will be "Kayson"

    My first is a boy too and his name is Chance Bratten.
    Bratten was my Greatgrandfathers middle name. He passed away a month before I had him.
  • My daughter name is Karis Elaine...
  • My first is a boy called Adrian Michael. I'm 31 weeks with my second and we don't know the sex so if it's a girl Harmony Patricia and if it's a boy Keanu Bruce. :-)
  • If it's a boy, I picked Tristan Amil, but if it's a girl I picked Tristan Marie. . .I like "boy" names for girls & I also REALLY love the name Tristan..! :)
  • Our boy name is Mateo
    Girl name (I think its a girl) is Elianna
    My first sons name is Aaron Edward
  • I love the name Tristan for a girl. It's on my list but I changed the spelling to Trystan so it's got a girly look to it.
  • It's a family thing to have two middle names in my family so if I have a girl her name will be jaydin rose Marie Wilson and a boy aiden Wayne lee Wilson but they think I'm having twins so hopefully both boy and girl! :D
  • This is my first child and if I am having a boy I'm going to name it King didn't come up with a middle name yet. If its a girl I was thinking about Forever.
  • This is also my first and if we have a boy his name will be bentley william and a girl hayden skyler :)
  • @new_army_mom I really like those names bentley was one of my top 3 I love that name!
  • Thanks I had my boy name picked out 6 months ago lol the girl name took me a while lol
  • I'm naming my son armani which my mom hates bc she said I'm name him after the clothing line but I love it
  • If its a girl Amity Jane Alexis. If its a boy its gonna b Jonathan Andrew.
    I find out next monday
  • Having a boy. Most likely naming him Cameron. My boyfriend liked Armani as well, joy.
  • @heather1115 Omg my mom is trying non stop to get me to name my son Cameron every time she touches my stomach she calls him Cameron but I'm stick to armani
  • If its a girl I'm thinking Makaela Emma. Well my son name is Joshua and he likes that name and I'm considering it. If its a boy then Jacob.
  • I'm naming my little man Salvatore, my savior<3
  • My son is Garrett Austin, and my daughter is Kacie Elizabeth Hope. I am 27 weeks pregnant with a son, who we are naming Zachary Hayden Isaiah.
  • We're having a little girl and her daddy is head over heels naming her Hanna Grace. But I'm not to thrilled about the name Hanna. I like Naomi Grace better.
  • I like Hannah
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