having weird ideas about my fiance..
I know he would never cheat on me but I keep having weird feelings about something his babys mom told me. Idk if she's jus sayin it to make me leave him but these are some pretty serious accusations. She said he did the worst thing a dad could possibly do to his daugfhter.. unmentionable acts. He has no idea that her and I had talked and I dnt wanna bring it up if its untrue. That will jus start uneeded drama. He is the best, most loving and caring man I've ever been with. And idk if I think he is capable of doing this. I am sooo confused by all this. Plz help..
And he doesn't get to see his children.. its very sad. Not even talk on the phone..
I can't even talk to myy mom or anyone else cuz they will hate him..
And she even said why do u think his family isn't excited about this baby?? That made me think the most.. they are kinda excited but haven't really gotten anything for her. But they've helped m think of names tho... idk.
But even still NO pregnant woman wants to hear bad things about the man they r having a child with. Especially when ur in a very serious committed relationship with..