Gestational Diabetes???????

edited March 2011 in Health
So i'm 29 weeks and so far, my pregnancy has been perfect *knock on wood*, but last week i took my glucose test and it came back 160. My doctor likes to retest if it's above 130. I was able to take my blood sugar at home and it was 165 after eating something sweet. I'm worried...does this mean i for sure have gestational diabetes? Has anyone else had a high reading and then it turns out that they DON'T have it???....ahh i was thinking about this and there are sooo many restrictions when diabetic...anyone else in the same boat?


  • I flunked test for 2nd time. ;-(
    I have dr appt on Tues. His puttn me on some kind of diet.. I feel good,just tiredddd
  • I feel fine as well. How far along are you?...
  • I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter.. it wasn't too bad just had to change my diet and check my blood sugar.. try not to stress out over it
  • yeah iam going thru the samething ): waiting for 3hour result.
  • Yeah i have to fast for 12hours and then wait for 3 hours....this is crazy and scary. @Lacey809 does this mean not to eat sugar at all?...i mean i know nothing,ive never had health problems before :(
  • I had gestational diabetes wit my last preg. n after I gave birth it when away! I was far along when my doc found out so I was put on insulin! Just watch what u eat id u cravin somethg sweet tried to have a fruit to satisfy ur craving! But u will be ok, it usually goes away after u give birth! This time around I got preg with a lil over weight n so far my glucose levels r fine for 8 weeks so am just watching wht I eat! Dont do a lot of rice neither, try differenr veggies!
  • Yeah that's my problem i think, i am not a big fan of veggies. The ones i do like are basically starch...I love red meat which i hear is bad as well...i have been craving mexican food which is a lot of tortillas which are full of carbs...i love peanut butter & honey on toast (thats been my thing ever since i got preggo),your not supposed to eat too much pasta or bread either..sooo i was sitting here thinking.."what the heck is there left for me to eat?"

    Ooh and does this mean i will have a big baby?? Im 29wks and people are just now able to tell...
  • Not necessarily! Its cool doctors treat you n tell u whts best but they "r not right" all the time! My doc told me my baby was going to b large n told me it was best.a c_section wich I now regret always! My baby girl was just 8lbs 8 oz which I couldve deliver naturally! My 1st born was an amazibg 9lbs even n 20 inches long n I was just 15 years of age n I pushed tht baby out without no epidural! Becareful what you eat, really do n research anything b4 u let the doctor make a decision for you! Take care7
  • Um no cause basically everything turns into sugar.. my Dr sent me to a nutritionist and she told me what I could have.. they will tell you how many carbs your aloud to have foe a meal.. so just count your carbs and test 2 hours after your first bite.. they had me eating 3 meals a day and 2 snacks between
  • edited March 2011
    I had gestational diabetes with my first and I just had to test my blood sugar and watch what I ate...wasn't too baby wasn't big either...5lbs 9oz at 37w 6d
  • They told me a good snack was toast with peanut butter.. you wont have to cut out everything you will just have to calculate.. and if you keep your blood sugar down your baby will be fine my daughter was 6lbs 2 oz
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