
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Im hoping this isn't tmi...
My husband and i had just got done having sex (since i am 5 weeks pregnant no need for any precautions) and when his. Left overs were coning out, it was tinted a light pink to a light brown... i am terrified i may be losing ny first baby. I've read that it is notmal buy i've also read it is bad. I am a military wife and cannot get seen until Monday.
Has anyone had a similar experience with no complications? I would be greatful to know. Thank you ladies.


  • That just means the sex was too rough now that you pregnant you still can have sex just not as forceful as u use to be able
  • Hey i am 21 weeks and i had the same issue i thought i was te only one. If u only bleed durin or after sex thats what happened to me n my dr said its from the cervix n amount of blood flow bc ur cervix is sensitive. But when i google everything it says it could be badbut im sill goin strong here lol. I still bleed only when i have sex n sometimes i pass tissue.. but i think its just from the sex bc ive had multiple ultrasounds my babys perfectly fine. So itz really hard to tell. But unless its alot or i even spot up to 24 hrs after sex veryyy little but dr said it happens. Good luck!
  • Hey i am 21 weeks and i had the same issue i thought i was te only one. If u only bleed durin or after sex thats what happened to me n my dr said its from the cervix n amount of blood flow bc ur cervix is sensitive. But when i google everything it says it could be badbut im sill goin strong here lol. I still bleed only when i have sex n sometimes i pass tissue.. but i think its just from the sex bc ive had multiple ultrasounds my babys perfectly fine. So itz really hard to tell. But unless its alot or i even spot up to 24 hrs after sex veryyy little but dr said it happens. Good luck!
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