Ughhhh!(venting and complaining)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ughhh I'm so damn hot! It was 87 degrees today guys! My dad will not cut the air on and would rather open up the windows to get a breeze going. What fuckin breeze? It's still hot as hell outside and I'm dying in this house! I'm moving next month, but I'm about to turn into the pregnant bitch that nobody wants to see! So if yall see anything on the news about a pregnant woman that goes crazy on dad in Dallas, Texas it's me!


  • Lmao I'll b on the lookout for u ;)
  • haha, you show him hun.
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  • I'll trade you places for the snowed today and is currently 38 degrees. I am soooo sick of this damn snow and cold, it's almost April for hells sake, bring on the sunshine!! But, that's springtime in Utah... ugh.
  • I wish it was 87° in my house ....thats like my parents they wont turn the air on...breeze...yea a hot breeze!!

    Ill probably be complaining when in gets hot too
  • Oh my goodness she might end up on that show "I'm pregnant and" ... has anyone seen that before?
  • Lmao. I'd rather be anywhere, but here. Well anywhere nice a cool. Idk how I'm going to survive these Texas summers being pregnant.
  • Come here.. it was only 40 today :P
  • @MizSamantha Lol I'll take 40 any day! That's some nice weather, a lil cold, but better than 87.
  • @beautifulone I know what ur goin though I was 9 months preg in south ga in August. Hell it was 38 here today and I wanted to lay in the snow naked Hah
  • @cetheridge Lmao! I hear that! I just left Ohio visiting my mom and I miss their snow and cool weather now.
  • That's why I moved to Ventura CA!!! Best weather in the whole country. Never colder than 60, never hotter than 80. Gorgeous ocean breezes and beautiful sunshine. Rains maybe twice a month. I <3 my town!
  • I always wanted to move to CA it's just so expensive. When I finish school I'll be able to afford it though.
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