
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hey everyone this morning I noticed brown spotting... I read that intercourse can do this to ya which I had done yesterday morning and it was kinda uncomfortable... like dry, and it could have torn my cervix?? Anyways I was wondering if this was normal? Its not a lot just small amounts. I called dr. And his assistant said it was normal but if it proceeds a lot then to come in. Anybody else experience this? I'm 7 weeks along


  • I think u should call them back tomorrow if there open if not Monday and say u feel.u need to go in so to let u but until then just try bedrest and drink plenty of water I'm no doctor but that's what I would do in your situation. ;)
  • If it stays brown, is not heavy or like a period, and you have no other issues you should be just fine! Especially if intercourse Was as you said. If it picks up on flow and changes to a brighter color then I would worry... sounds like older blood from a little fun right now; ) still wishing you the best of luck and a healthy pregnancy! !! :)
  • I also suggest going in as soon as You can just to be safe and to ease your mind. The issue is They sometimes can't do much but give things time...
  • Thanks guys yea no heavy flow at all its actually going away, but I was wondering if you ladies ever experienced this? No bright colors tho thank god, just brown bf thinks ill be ok and not to stress, but this our first baby and I want to be safe and make sure it is healthy:)
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