
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
So i just took another test and it was 2 lines but one was like white... false positive??


  • Same thing with me I'm so confuse. I took a hpt an one line appeared and then the other line came up but was really light snd faded. I'm confuse I'm one week late period. Kinda confuse
  • It might not be false. When I took both my pregnancy tests the 2nd line came up kinda faint but still looked positive and I'm definitely prego
  • I broke my test and took the paper with the lines out and held it up to the light and i can clearly see 2 lines but i just dont know
  • I think it partially depends on what type of test you take too lol
    My first one was a 99¢ preggers test, and it was super faint, like you couldn't even really see it.
    second test was the super-sensitive First Response, super dark lines.
    3rd and 4th test was First Response rapid result, and they were really REALLY faint, but still there...

    Also depends on when you pee on it....try first morning pee? Or get the digital one
  • Buy the ones on the box that say "5" "6" or "7" days sooner, I read they detect a different variation of HCG, the one that the embryo releases, not the placenta
  • I got first responce no it
    was night pee lol. ill try a digital w morning pee lol ugh i hope its pos
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