Any lesbian mom's???

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
i'm six weeks pregnant nineteen and have been with my partner for almost three years:)


  • Just out of curiosity, how did you choose to conceive? Did yall go artificial or have a friend help out? I know I would not have been financially able to go to a specialist at 19, just wondering
  • HAha sperm agency had to pay 450 per try it happened on our first we thought I would take years or at least months but guess not
  • Wow well that is awesome for you guys!!!! Congrats!!! :-)
  • THankk you :) we are very exciteddd
  • My best friends are going thru the sperm agency and ill be excited to tell them.of your quick success! Congrats!
  • awhh!i wish them luck! We actually got to meet the guy it was easier for me
  • Awww cool :) im excited for you.. im bi kins lol im attracted to females and would date females I hag had one gf ever but I still love my dude;)
  • haha my partner is bi. But im lesbian

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