Teen moms ???



  • @sunshinelove it woulda been better if it was said in a more suggestive way. It sucks with everyone being harmonal but everyone's feelings need to be taken in
    to consideration. And if u can't have an adult conversation about the topic then u might need tp reconsider where u stand with ur life
  • In most states if you are above the law of consent and sleep with someone 12 or younger you can get life in prison. There was a man in Florida who the other day got life in prison because he got a NINE year old girl pregnant! and people rightfully were upset and this little lady is only 3 years older, its just so sad to have to grow up so fast, so I hope this wasn't something bad that happened and that is why she is not telling, that would be terrible
  • she hasn't posted anything sense tho so that is kinda weird...
  • Wait 19 yrs and lesbian mommy....soooo artificially inseminated?(i have noooo idae how to spell that....)
  • alright fair enough lol. g day mates enough hearty debate for me ;) of to la la land I go
  • Lol dublin, you are a dope btw : P
  • Noo it was a donor:) cheaper home made
  • 15 && I'm 17 weeks & 1 daay
  • Intriging....and gratz... To all of you
  • I'm 16 pregnant with baby#2 (: I'm 31 weeks!
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  • Don't let any one put you down teen moms! Of course you are excited about your baby, its your baby! This is a discussion labeled teen moms.. therefore I think it's quite ridiculous older mothers w nothing nice to say are on here being rude! Babies are blessings at any age &I love to hear these teen moms are excited I'm extremely pro life so excited to me is the best emotion to have, and should have while being pregnant. So Congrats!
  • Where did she go?? She hasn't come back to respond...hope all is well :(
  • Im 19 and goin to be 20 in april.16weeks and 2days so excited and scared at the same time. It took me tell i was 12 weeks to tell my mom and i still haven't told my dad lol.
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe my mom to she was really mad sayin wat if something wat have happen to her grandbaby with out seein a dr lol :)
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  • I was six weeks when I found out. Told my mom at seven weeks. She was so angry! The hardest thing for me was telling my oldest brother, I knew he was going to be disappointed and I let him down. But every one has been so extremely supportive about my whole pregnancy now. I'm 39 weeks, and everyone is ready for me to have him.

    I'm proud to be a teen mom, I didn't plan to get pregnant but I'm taking responsibility for my actions. A baby is a miracle, why hide the excitement?
  • I'm 18 going on 19 on august 6. I'm 16 weeks and 5 days and my baby is due sept. 7. Has anyone else had issues with family accepting the decision to keep the baby?
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe aww im proud of u to lol!!!
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