Breastfeeding advice wanted. I failed with #1!
My daughter was early and slept a lot.. I made the mistake of letting her sleep because I was exhausted.. by the time I had her I had been without sleep over 24 hours and didn't get mch in the hospital.. she had a great latch but didn't want to work for the food.. she got jaundice at 6 days because she wasn't getting enough and never went back to the breast after they gave her formula..
Im 15 weeks now and don want to fail again.. any success tips? I plan to offer the breast at least every two hours.. we wont have home visitors for a week as well which I believe helped my failing last time.
I did pump two weeks after the jaundice but my supply tanked and pumping hurt worse..
Im 15 weeks now and don want to fail again.. any success tips? I plan to offer the breast at least every two hours.. we wont have home visitors for a week as well which I believe helped my failing last time.
I did pump two weeks after the jaundice but my supply tanked and pumping hurt worse..
I used to say when someone asked if I was gonna breastfeed this one "I'll try but it didn't work with my first". Then one day someone said to me "no, your either going to do it or your not" it perked me up and I said "oh, then yes!" It was the perfect motivation for me. And when I didn't think the pain would stop I would call the league:)
it's also helpful to get advice from someone with the same kindof breast size a you. I know it sounds silly but babies latch differently to different sizes. I'm LARGE and when I saw my friend having some difficulties I told her to lift her nipple a little and it made all the difference in the world... for her:)
I know you can do it:)
You can also inform them at the hospital to NOT give your baby formula or sugar water. And don't use any bottle or a pacifier for at least 4 weeks until your baby & you learn the tricks of the trade.
Most of all... don't give up too soon! There were a few days in the beginning where I didn't know if I could do it, but I am so glad I hung in there!