reconsidering having this baby!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ugh I'm so up set. I'm 11 weeks and nothing is going rite. I'm arguing and fight wit da father of my child almost every day. I'm starting to dislike him and his family more and more. I dnt think I want to b apart of there life anymore. I'm ready to move on and never look back. I never second guess my first child. Da moment I founded out. I knew for sure I was keeping her. I think I should jus go wit my gut feeling and terminate dis pregnancy. I would hate to do such a thing... But I'm really not feeling good about it...


  • So don't be a part of their lives, but don't terminate the baby because of it. I think if anything, it will not help you feel any better, it might just make you feel worse.
  • I would just fight through it. For m first trimester I was miserable with my bf and his family but it was just hormones. Once I started feeling better and got into my second trimester I felt better and super happy.
  • Thats true. Try to think positive. Take control of the situarion, dont let it control you. Avoid the little arguments as much as you can.

    Its a small thing to a giant.
  • I kno and I really dnt want to do it but I'm so tired of him and his mama I jus wanna scream. She is da reason everything went sour in our relationship...
  • Omg sorry u feel this way. I have had similar feelings with this pregnancy. My fiance is inconsiderate and selfish. But I realized after seeing the little one in the ultra sound I could care less about the dad it's all about this little angel. Don't make such a big decision based on someone else and how they make you feel. Good luck.
  • I reconsidered many times trust me me n my bf were arguing cuz his first thoughts were we weren't ready u see I put we I was lik dnt judge me cuz I have always made money for me n getting a job ain't shit n my life its u dat wana b lazy so dnt tell me we jus say I'm not ready then he goes to tell me he is trying to "fix" his problem so I'm like ur gonna fix it by killing instead od jus being a man n getting a job?? I no it sucks n u feel alone n pissed I jus hope u see the light mayb cut him off until u have ur baby so u can have a happy baby n that will make him grow up..... btw tell his mother to f off she is not a help she is ruining everything
  • I dnt think yu should have to terminate because of them yu dnt have to have anything to due with him or hos family just put him on childsupport and be done with it the baby is innocent and theres some ppl in the world that cnt get preggo and would die yu have wat yu have let them be ASSES and yu will be fine with yur two beautiful children:)
  • Im not trying to tell ya what to do or anything but I really wouldn't want to terminate th pregnancy because of bd anddamily
    I had tons of problems ib the beginning with my bfs family I thought I wanted to but I know if anything I can do it myself and its not my baby's fault. Yeah he shouldn't be brought into this world with family problems and drama but its so worth it... some things just work out over time
  • I am no one to say don't do it or any judgements at all hun but I think if you can get yourself away from all the negativity and into a healthy spot and yes past the hormones a bit you might feel different. Only you can make that choice but do only what your heart says is the right thing to do and don't make a choice based on others opinions. If you ever need to talk to someone who won't judge you regardless of what you choose drop me a line. I hope things get better for you.
  • Thanks for all da great and uplifting advice I needed it all. Thanks so much.. I feel a lil better after reading u guys comments...:)
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