A friend of mine had a baby at 29 weeks...her little girl had some problems to begin with but she is fine and healthy now. A 30 week baby will spend probably close to 6 or 7 weeks in the nicu but healthcare is so advanced that most 30 weekers are fine in the long run.
U will be fine its a reason she wants to come early. After u have her a few more weeks from now they will see y. U need to stop stressin hun I see u are stressing alot and she senses its from her. As long as u keep tellin her she needs to stay in a lil longer she should stop the labor. Good luck and relax
Thanks u girls!! Im not stress is just this is a very difficult and risky pregnacy since the beginin but i have faith that everything is going to ok and she gonna born with lot of health and in her time...thank u again