I feel ya mama, I am a week past my due date and just finally lost my mucous plug night before last, hoping that means I don't have much longer to wait!! Hugs and good luck!
@ghelphaene , I was a week late with my first til I had contractions but I had started losing my plug earlier with her, now im having a boy and I had my hopes up that he wouldn't be late, thinking of getting induced cause we had family drive down for his arrival...my dr. Doesn't like letting people go overdue anyway...if no one was gonna come I was just gonna let him come on his own but now im not sure....
@proudmama im not dilated my last check up was Monday 38 weeks and he could barely reach my cervix said I was thinning though... hopefully this Monday there is more than that.
It's still possible you could not go overdue, with my first, I went from nothing to pushing him out in a few hours, I hadn't barely had any braxton hicks either! So fingers crossed you'll have him out soon. :-) I'm pretty sure I'll go overdue since my due date is Wednesday but you never know!
Aww with my first I wasn't dilated at all when I went to the doc on Monday nd nothing happened all wk so finally I didn't know Wht contractions where or even braxton hicks...I guess I had them all wkend cause once Monday came which was my due date Nov.3.08 my water broke in bed lol I was in labor from 6am til around 1pm nd they decided to do a c section cause he was too big nd wasn't dropping he was 10.3.. so maybe ull go into labor soon fingers crossed for u..as for me I have 6wks I'm due may10 but scheduled c section on April 29...but I've been in pain so I'm hoping she stays put lol
Im also 39 weeks due thursday. I lost the mucus plug friday and have been having braxton hicks for weeks but wasnt dialated on thursday but cervix is soft and baby dropped almost 3 weeks ago, i just cant wait!! My doctor will let you go up to two weeks late as long as mama and baby are healthy, and i dont wanna wait that long