With my last pregnancy my contractions were n my lower stomach. They didn't even register on the monitors. The nurses thought I was lying, but I was dialating n then my water broke. I was never one for cramps either before then, but they were intense n frequent. How often r they? U may need to go to hospital. I was 38weeks 5 days wuth my first
Yea..i didnt cramp much b4 so it hurts whloe lot more when your not use to it! I didnt know i was contracting ..but i keep thinkin i had to go to the bathroom ...every time i went i was pushing him out more.....nothing help the pain go away..i walked and it made it worst..it was frezzing out..i took a warm bath.
I haven't started timing them. I'm about to actually start timing. I will cramp horribly and then it will go away after a while and come back a little later. Probably 10 minutes apart at the most.
I was 37 weeks 1 day when I had cramping it turned out they were contractions and 5 mins apart I got up to use the bathroom and my water started breaking and it had a tinge of pink to it. As I sat down I was leaking more fluid as if you were peeing on yourself. When I got to the hospital I was 4 cm dilated. 4.5 hours later I had my first child a healthy boy:-) on 3-15-11 @ 7lb 4oz with no epidural or meds:-) best of luck and congrats!
I think it is most likely you are having contractions, especially if the pain lasts more than 30 seconds each time, keep a close eye to see if they get more frequent. Be careful about the feeling of needing to pee, that happened to me with my first, I kept dashing to the toilet till finally he began coming out and was born in the toilet! Lol good luck and keep us updated if you can :-)
ok all the best I went all the way to hospita with my second just for the cobtractions to stop he was born a,wk later lol wobt be long thoigh good luck
That's why I didn't go to the hospital earlier, they weren't that close, and I didn't want to have to have to be turned down and have to drive 45 minutes back home. So I'm just waiting for them to come back. I'm hoping I have my little man soon.
This is my first pregnancy, so I have no idea what to expect.
I didnt know i was contracting ..but i keep thinkin i had to go to the bathroom ...every time i went i was pushing him out more.....nothing help the pain go away..i walked and it made it worst..it was frezzing out..i took a warm bath.
4.5 hours later I had my first child a healthy boy:-) on 3-15-11 @ 7lb 4oz with no epidural or meds:-) best of luck and congrats!