could my house be haunted?



  • Haunted for sure. sweet dreams! :p
  • @Flip haha lmao thanks luckily for me I'm not home during night usually I'm working graveyard so I'm home when its daylight and not so scary maybe that's why I'm not as creeped out about it all
  • @BabyboyonthewayAs you said (just moved in) dogs have to get uses to the whole new thing to they ears are stronger than ours im guess if you put a cam outsid facing your back door it maybe they herein an animal in your back yard as most animal do come out at night :-)
  • What kind of dog do u have?
  • I bet if i put my camcorder out all night i would catch some SCAAAARRY sh*t lol but i don't wanna scare myself out of my house espicially if they rnt harmful but i swear i see things move out the corner of my eye and its always where the dogs will later be staring and grumblimg only in my kitchen and back door area
  • @babyboyontheway you work on a (GRAVEYARD) LOL. thats move scary I think. Anyway if your worried get your home blessed BEFORE BABY COMES IS BEST AS THEY LIKE BABY
  • @mommyof3girls the one that seems to notice things is a 5 month old 5 lb chihuahua/yorkie and when she notices somethig my 17 month old chow terrier will come see what she's onto and he will notice whatever shes looking at
  • @roxanne lol i would not be able to work in an actual graveyard id be too scared! I get little jitters when i drive by one and there's two big ones in my town! Haha
  • Ooh my then thats really creepy that tge other dog comes and joins in. Yikes
  • my parents had a mice problem and it drove their chiuhauha (sp?) totally insane.
  • My dog does the same thing and I always just yell at him to stop. Never thought about my house being haunted . . . until now!!! Thanks a lot!! Haha!!!
  • @mommyof3girls

    Yeah if it were rodents my dogs would be all over that. They would be all over almost any kind of disturbance, people, animals, bugs, leaves, I've seen her trip out over dirt lol. Thats why it shakes my mind that neither one will actually go in there to get or smell whatever has their attention. They will sit in the living room and stare into the dark kitchen without taking one step towards it. And i have a country style-sized kitchen so we can't see all corners or areas just a little bit into the kitchen and the back door because the living room is seperated by an entrance way and wall between the kitchen.
  • Well it could be termites if you live in an area that has them. Also it does take a little time for dogs to get used to a new place. It is an older home so the pipes could be making a high pitched noise that you don't hear. Just a thought. Hopefully its not ghosts!
  • @bluegrass_mommy i just yell at mine to stop too lol espicially when I'm home and sleeping like last night they woke me up at least 4 times in the pitch black just barking at nothing! I was beyond irritated
  • @needamiracle i haven't thought of high pitched pipes, it could be. The house doesn't make a lot of noises but i guess i will never know if that's it
  • The only reason I brought that up is because my blind dog kept barking in the kitchen and two days later the pipe broke. I never heard a peep until it broke. She is blind and her hearing is way better than my other dogs. It never crossed my mind that their was something wrong because she is a known barker from her vision loose. Its just a thought.
  • Lose not loose!
  • Omg my phone!!! Loss!!!
  • I used to swear that I saw my husbands mother all the time, but when I told him he got all freaked out and I never saw her again after that. Maybe she has come back to check out the baby!! I would be cool with that but my hubby would pack his bags and leave. Do you have anyone that might be coming around to check on your baby?
  • @bluegrass_mommy
    No i can't say there's anyone who would be coming around i never had a relationship with my paternal grandparents before they passed my gma passed when my dad was a toddler and my gpa passed when i was real young and there's no other family member i was close to that died.
  • that is creepy im in the process of getting my 1st home and that is something that scares the creeps out of me
  • Same thing happened ein my home in cali chances are it is, just don't mind it if you start paying attention to it, it just might start bugging you, but yes check background I did the same and turns out the couple that lived in /my house before lived there for years and died here eeeekkkk so yea and I had paranormal people come cause I heard footsteps back sliding door would lock on its own and I would hear whispering, dogs would act weird lol and they said there was something here, if its no harm your fine, but if you feel scared or in danger id move.
  • @proudcastromama is the house your getting new or previously occupied? If its older do u know when it was built? Mine was built in the 70's so i can only imagine the history
  • @babyontheway lol im torn between 2 one is older 62 OMG im getting scared now and the other is 98 but that one is way less house and yard we put offers now waiting for response I think I am going to go to the library and find out for sure what im getting into...
  • @proudcastromama chances are there isn't anything to be afraid of in either house like ive been saying I'm really not scared if there r spirits in my house, if it weremt for my spastic dogs id never even notice a thing. Keep in mind also, even if there was a couple living in your home for years and they died (either in home or somewhere else) their presence is most likely undetectable and they are unaware of u, IF their presence is even at the house.

    @mama11 Oh my if that was happening i would definitley be aware of a presence and id be totally freaking out too! Lol. I'm not too worried about anything right now my main concern, now that a maybe-spirit has been brought to my attention, is will things turn ugly when i bring the baby home. I know of stories where big changes in the household energy, like remodeling or a new baby, has stirred up what was previously a calm non-issue spirit. But if things escalate now that my attention is tuned in ill take action. Just have to make sure my mind doesnt run wild now that im aware and thinking about it
    I'm pretty good at not letting my mind play tricks on me though. I keep it realistic like taps lol
  • Its usually when negative energy is stirred up, like remodeling there old home would make it bad, but a new baby nah I don't think that's negative :) when my mom had my brother nothing ever happened to them nor did they ever experience anything, it was harmless I think it was just looking for attention.... we moved though to a cheaper rental house, but a new family moved there and never said a word about it bothering them I guess it just depends
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