Hey there ladies my wife is constipated do any of you ladies who have had the same problems have any solutions. Appreciate you sharing the info, really want to get info for wife if possible.
O man I am currently fighting this! I am on iron pills three times a day and they are killing me! I tried the colace capsules and they didnt do squat...and I tried the apple juice and prune juice..nothing...so about 2 hours ago I took 3 tblspoons of milk of magnesia and things are working now LoL. Milk of Magnesia is on the list the doc gave me of safe constipation meds...good luck!
I think the reason that the prune juice didnt work for me is because I wanted until my constipation was waaaay out of hand...wont be doing that anymore!
@ashley_smashley try using the slow release iron supplements instead of regular iron vitamins, they are much easier on your tummy and is what my doc told me to take.
I will ask my doc on wednesday about that. He did mention when i started them that if it got really bad i could go down to once or twice a day on the iron...
1 cup bran ( I use flakes cereal)
1 cup applesauce
1/2 cup prune juice
Mix and take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. We doubled it to 2 tablespoons til we were able to go! Hope it helps!