I wanted to know if the mirena would be a good thing for me I have a 2 year old n I'm due may 29th with my second n I wanted go on birth control that I won't forget n Idk if I want anymore after this baby
I want to know if anybody on the mirena got pregnant n if u have to still have a condom n how good is it how long did u have it in
I want to know if anybody on the mirena got pregnant n if u have to still have a condom n how good is it how long did u have it in
I didn't have good experience with mirena. They placed it during my period day 2 and I bleed for 6 weeks my uterus felt like I had rocks in it and always a rubbing feeling so I had it for about 6 month. No problems getting pregnant after. I do have to say I also had trouble with the second iud I got placed so its just nothing for me. My aunt has mirena since it came on the market and loves it and she has no more periods
It stays in, your partner can't feel it during sex (although if he puts his fingers up there he can lol), and you won't even know it's there!
@bke913 i never heard that girls get there tubes tied under 25 years old
Again, it's just all up to the beliefs of the doctor I suppose. I've heard of age limits, but I have never heard of a child minimum.