Due Sept 29th What names have yall picked out for the little ones.



  • Girl: Chloe Gene
    Boy: middle name will be Daniel we aren't quite decided on the first I like Oliver Noah and Oskar he likes Givyn
    We find out what it is in 1 month
  • edited March 2011
    @Sam_first_time_mommy Grantley is really cute!!! :)
    @biffymnstr I love Oliver :) but bf doesn't.

    We aren't due until October 14th, I hope it flies by!! My bf really wants a boy, but he also has "daddy's intuition" and thinks we are having a girl. So if his intuition is correct we will name her, Paisley Olivia; and if he's a boy we will name him, Stryder David.
  • im also due sept 29 and for a girl we have sophia marie and a boy is giovanni but no middle name yet =)
  • @mrssanchez1228 my sons name is Maddox Giovanni <3 its a family name
  • I'm having a boy Jimmy Jake
  • due sep 16
    {Boy} Zy'Maríon DreShaun Lamont
    {Girl} Zi'María Corrisma NyCole

  • Due september 26th. Boy- cameron roy girl- cassie lee (=
  • Due sept. 30th. If it's a girl we've decided on Sophia Grace. No names for a boy yet. I like Landon, but hubby doesn't.
  • I'm also due September 29 :)
    for a boy it'll be cayden edward smith
    a girl Samantha lynn Smith
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  • I love the name Landon....but the bf doesn't....we might go with Deegan for a boy, and Avery for a girl!
  • I love autumn for a little girl. But my fiance doesnt =( we both love cassie though
  • Well if I have a girl her name would be ava julieana or if it a boy I want ethan alexander or bradley shaw
  • I'm due Oct 9 if its a boy his name will be Jayden Robert and if its a girl Madison Idrez Ann. Our baby will have both of our parents middle name except my boyfriends dad middle name lol
  • I'm due 16 of Sept, we are naming our little girl Lilianna Danielle
  • I find out tomorrow...girl will be Morgan Frances and boy will be Spencer James
  • I set up a 3d ultrasound so I will find out today, my husband is japanese and I'm american so we had to come to an agreement. For a girl her name will be miya le for a boy..kyou von :)
  • I haven't found out what im having yet,, but madison for a girl and andre for a boy.
  • Well I have thought of Liam for a boy and Chloe for a girl. But every other month it changes. Oh but i am sticking with the name Liam, I just love it.
  • My dd is sept 20 if its a boy axel blaze girl daijah denisse
  • DD Sep 20th her name is jasmine samran-kay. :)
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