Separating the membranes

Has anyone ever had their membranes separated? I have done some research and found that it is generally a fairly successful way if semi-naturally inducing labor, but like with everything there is no guarantee. My doctor is doing it Monday at my appointment, im just curious as to what to expect.


  • It hurts like hell. Just breathe and hold onto something. The plus? Three hours later I dialated to a 4 and was having contractions...had her that day!!! :-) Its painful but well worth it...I plan on getting it done again. Good luck!! :-)
  • Heard it only works if labor is gonna start and just needs a nudge. Also heard it hurts like hell and if it doesnt start it they wanna do it again. Good luck!
  • Its uncomfotable... nothing like the paun of its been done to me all 3 pregs. First 2 did nothing. 3rd time my doc did it when labor was in the very very begining stage... not sure how much it really helps.
  • oops ment *pain
  • B careful! My doctor did mind with my first and it broke my water. She was born via emergency c-section due to infection. I thought I felt a gush and said something to her right after she did it, she said it was normal. I was "in labor" for 3 days before she was born. We are lucky she's alive! Like I said just be careful.
  • Just had it done today since my baby is 3 days late. Only took a minute for my midwife to do it, barely felt it, and I have been having cramps for a couple hours now but no contractions yet, hoping it gets things started soon!!!! So ready for my little girl to meet us!!!
  • Thank you everyone. I'm slightly nervous, mostly due to the unknown. But I'm already a loose 2 dialated, about 50% thinned out and just this Monday my doctor took me off medicine to keep from contracting (i have had contraction since 34wks). Even though this is our 4th I'm still unsure, because each pregnancy had been so different.
  • I had it done with my first 2, I didn't think it really hurt, just incomfortable. But for me it didn't do anything. I had to be induced with pitocin!
  • That's what I'm afraid if! I sure hope it works because my husband may be leaving any day with the Army. He has missed 2 of our childrens births due to deployments : ( hopefully he will get to see his last child born
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  • I've had mine done twice aswell, n I'm 5days overdue :( getting induced Tuesday tho :) xxx
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