what is birth goingg to feel likee.?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Aha im just curious bkusz im duee in mayy. I wonder all the timee what is it foinn to b likee. How long will the actuall pushinn feel and what do they do before.? Has anyonee ever fartedd.? Do they clean hr system out so uu dnt poop.? What is the epidural foing to makee uu feel.?


  • I wonder the same things I am due May1
  • edited March 2011
    from the time I went to the hospital and the time the baby was out it was a total of four hours. I farted and we still laugh about it. no they don't clean your system out. hopefully you don't eat a meal that makes you shit the night you go into labor lol and after you get. the epidural you won't be able to feel a thing
  • lmfao @blessed1508 thats too funny! i eat all day everyday n im 39 weeks i hope i dont poop on anyone lol ill laugh so hard n land up peeing or something too! im gonna try all natural birth so i doubt ill be able to hold in the farts hopefully itll go quick lol:D im starting to worry about what i eat now lol!!!!!
  • @mommajan I wouldn't be eating a lot of mexican food lol
  • It really cant be explained. Its something you have to experience. Im on my second and can't remember exactly how it feels.
  • When my water broke I instantly had to use the bathroom. I peed and #2. My system cleaned itself out. The epidural made my lower stomach and legs feel like they were rubber. I could feel if anyone touched me but when the baby came out it didn't hurt. Its weird. I tore and I didn't feel it. My son had his arm on his face so I pushed a hand and head out at the same time. There was tons of pressure but no pain.:)
  • Ahaha so im not the onlyy onee.woww its goinn to be hardd not eatinn mexicann food bkusz I am mexicann. Ha buhh whenn ur pushinn the kidd out what happens after.? Is it truee they spank the bby.?
  • I ask them for an enema and will do it again if there is time because you will poop more than likely.
  • So what happens if uu do happen to poop duringg birth.? Wouldd it b dangerous.?
  • edited March 2011
    @beautiful_altar I am on my third and couldn't tell you how either birth felt anymore. all I remember enema lol.

    @blondie93 none of mine where spanked. lol. after the baby is out you have to push 1 more time for the placenta but the doc will tell you when and they usually will walk you thru step by step. It's not dangerous pooping.
  • What is a good diet to have during your last weeks of pregnancy so that there arnt pooing issues? Or stinky gas issues? Lol anyone have advice?
  • Ahaha I wonder whyy theyy do spankk summ bbys.? Ndd I quess just drinkinn alot of water to cleann out ur systemm shouldd helpp. Im quessingg it wouldd buhh im not 100%. Didd ne onee fart durinn birthh.?
  • To make them cry so they start breathing on their own. I guess you will fart if you have gas. Idk if I did or not because nobody said anything and I doubt anyone would care
  • I'm due in may with my first too I watch a lot of that show on TLC called A Baby Story it shows everything...I'm not too worried about farting but I do not want to poop that would be so gross! I'm having my mom, boyfriend, and boyfriends mom so I don't want to poop in front any of them! But if it happens there is nothing I can do lol
  • I had my 2nd natural because by the time I got to the hospital I was 9 cm and it was time to push. I think I will do it natural again it was very painful but it was also nice to feel my legs after delivering L-)
  • They dont spank ur baby they use non aggresive ways to get a responce from them this is america we are not allowed to hit babies thats what my dr said and my son is 7 and he wasnt breathing when he was born they didnt apank him they rubbed his chest and sucked his throat out as far as the epidural it was strange all u feel is pressure if u poop or fart I dont think anyone will care lol :)
  • Birth of my daughter was awesome I was laughing up until I had to push! I laugh to distract me from the pain lol... I pushed like about 5 or 6 times and she was out! :) I felt nothing btw just lots of preassure down there then when her big head came out it just suddently felt empty down there..hope this baby will be as easy as this one! :D cant wait!! And im only 5weeks 6days!
  • My first it was bad bc I didn't knw what I was doing. An I got very tired an gave up, They had too press on my belly an push me baby out bc I told them I was done pushing!! Lol I also pooped an I didn't care bc all I wanted to do was sleep...lol. But with my 2nd it was a piece of Cake bc I knew how to push, so she popped right out an the pain was bad at all seeing how my epidural didn't take at all. So now I'm on my 3rd I hope its as easy as my 2nd
  • My sister said she pooped when she had her baby, but they had so many ppl in there that it was cleaned up in a matter of seconds..they are all professionals ne way and done it a million times before so im sure it wont phase them in the least if someone were to poo or fart during delivery, its only natural...believe me im sure everything that could happen already has and the doctors will b ready
  • I was in labor for 4 hours. It felt longer tho. I pooped in the bathroom rite before I stsrted pushing. I didnt even have time to get an epidural or the other medicine. So I felt it all. But I dont remember how it felt, cuz the doctor gave me a shot so he could cut me open. But aftet the shot I didnt feel anything until the next day.
  • Ahaha woww.! Didd ne bodyy pass out durinn labor.? Ndd wheree r summ craszy places that uu ladies havee hadd ur water brakee bkusz im so traumatizedd it will happen in school
  • If your scared its going to happen at school, your doctor can put you on homebound a few weeks before your due. Mine did it for me. You just do all your work at home. I enjoy it. Lol
  • Aha I wouldd likee to do that bkusz im duee a weekd b4 summer vacations so might as well just take the feww xtraa weeks off
  • With my second son my water broke in the car but luckily it didn't gush out bad untill I stood up. I never shit or farted but if I would have I promise u it would have been the least of my concerns or anyone elses.
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