
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Had a miscarriage last night at 18 weeks... Super sad and not sure if I even want to ttc again... Having a d&c on monday, anyone had one have any advice??


  • Sorry to hear about your loss lots of hugs your way in my thoughts x x
  • Im sorry for your loss. Just try to be positive
  • I had a d& c but I was only 8 weeks. U will be ok. It is hard but u will get through it. Don't beat urself up afte trying to get preggers again because I did and when I gave up trying I was pregnant again. Did the dr. Give a reason y u lost baybay? Mine just never got a heartbeat.
  • I lost my last baby at 18weeks due to illness.

    Yes u should try again.

    The next couple months will be very hard
    I feel ur pain and I'm sorry
  • and just so u know I didn't ttc but I did get pregnant after one cycle. Ur body will probably be ready to go again pretty quickly. And getting pregnant again really has helped me get over my loss. My baby was very ill... and I could not save her so this is my chance to try again... I'm 16 weeks and hopful
  • Thanks to all you lovely ladies for support... Im super scared the d&c will hurt. I have no idea how long ut takes to heal. How soon can you ttc again? Do uou bleed for long... I have so many questions! @my3his1stbay I dont know why I miscarried. All the doc said was that there must havebeen something wrong with the fetus.
  • @celias27 did you have a d&c at 18 weeks too? Any advice on my above questions?
  • I had a d&e its very similar I believe.. I had an epid. And they put me to sleep. I was a little bit sore afterwards but lasted only a couple days I bled for a little under two weeks..had my cycle 4 weeks later and got pregnant six weeks later. Every person is different but at two weeks dr said I could ttc anytime I was ready... it took one time and we weren't trying..
  • It is more mentally draining and scary then it is physically painful. It will be hard on ur heart and u will be sad but there had to be a reason. My baby had trisomy18 and I had to chose the d&e because my baby was suffering inside me... least u don't have to make that choice nature did it for u.. let me know how u are after
  • I had a miscarriage at about 8 weeks nd had a d&c a week later. It didn't hurt, I never had any side effects. I only bleed for 2 weeks then a month later I had my first cycle. It was hard 2 deal with & sad cuz it was my first baby bt time heals all wounds. I'm now 14 weeks pregnant nd I got pregnant 8 months after the miscarriage. U just gotta know when ur emotionally ready for it. I'm so sorry for ur loss! Good luck nd prayers ur way!
  • I am so very to hear you lost the baby. I had a mc at 14 weeks. I has d&c on march 12th. I was acres to death. I har two discussions on here about my d&c. I asked for advise. Got some good advise... but from my experience I was "put to sleep". That is the best thing I could of ever done!!!! I didn't want to hear anything feel anything or know what was going on. It was extremely hard!!! Name the baby if you know what it is!!! I did and it helped a lot. I had some what of cramping and bleeding but it felt like a period. I topped bleedig for two days and started again. I freaked. Th doctors said it was normal though. It will be three weeks since mine and I am back to normal. There was no way I could do it naturally!!!! I couldn't bear to see the "baby" regardless of how far along I was. Again so sorry for your loss. It is very painful!!!! Grieve, grieve!!!! If you don't you will hurt more!!! God bless you all!!! Don't give up!!! Another baby can't replace another baby but it can comfort!!! Just remember God had a plan for the baby!! He needed the baby more then you did!
  • I lost mine at 6 weeks on valentine's day. I think about it every day and the pain doesn't go away but I try to be positive. My husband and I are desperate for a baby and we are trying again. You have to try again. You got there before and I just think that there is a reason why it was not meant to be. Just keep trying, don't ever stop trying. My heart goes out to you xxxxx
  • so so so sorry for your loss. m/c is just as hard as losing a child you've already met. I still think about my little one who would be 3 yrs old now. i would definitely recommend trying again when you are ready. do not give up. you deserve a chance to be a mommy. as for the d&c, like they said, it doesnt hurt. it is a surgical procedure so they put you to sleep. when you wake up you might have some cramping and period-like bleeding for a few days or a little over a week. but its more emotionally painful than physically.
  • I agree. It is an emotional thing rather than a physical thing. Other people will try to tell you how to feel but listen to your heart. Please don't give up. If at first you don't succeed try and try again. That's what we are doing. Good luck xxxxx
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