expecting baby number 3 on sept 21st

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
new to pregly and looking for new mommy to be friends


  • Baby number 3 on way hoping for a girl this time as I have a 9 and 5 yo boy im due oct 14
  • I have a 9 yr old boy and 15month girl...hopin for a girl tho..playmate for my youngest...hoping to find out soon!
  • Hi. I'm due Sept 10 with #3 hoping for another boy ;) 6 yr old and 18mth old boys already :)
  • when do ya'll get to find out the sex? my doc is trying to hold off but I am trying to persuade otherwise..lol..im getting anxious to start shopping for non neutral colors!
  • Expecting number 3 on september 16th. I hav a 3yr old son an a 2yr old daughter. I'm not real picky about wat we hav this time, I'm estatic either way :) I was told several years ago I would never be able 2 hav children so these babies r my miracles
  • Thats my birthday
  • @breewashington08...def miracle babies! I had gone through several miscarriages before my babygirl so I also feel blessed..
  • I'm expecting number 4 in the 22 :) finding out Friday!!
  • @areaume83 u r blessd :) congratulations on being a mommy. No other words to describe being a mommy other than its the greatest thing in the world. My husband an I have gotten some smart remarks about our children being so close 2gthr in age, but nothing anybody can say can break my happiness at this point. :)
  • Im on #3, have a 10 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. My due date is sep 24th which is my dads 50th B-day! Dont care either way what this one is since I have one of each as long as its healthy, although I think its a boy(but if its a girl yay...lol) :)
  • Due September 22... hoping for a girl...but sometimes feels like a boy..
    gave a 4 yr boy.:)
  • Expecting number 2 on Sept 21st. I'm anxious to find out the gender too. Hoping to find out early May.
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