laying on my belly???

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
I am 13 weeks. Is it bad to lay on my belly??? Or should I be okay.?


  • you'll be fine, baby is well protected. i was on my tummy my whole pregnancy and she is just fine :) im a tummy sleeper.
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  • Thank god u asked that because im 16 weeks and I do the same thing smh lol
  • my doc said you can sleep on your belly up until you are comfortable. gl :)
  • Im 17 weeks and still on my tummy! Thank God cause i don't know if i can sleep any other way.
  • i kicked a leg out and bent it to the side so i wasnt completely on my stomach
  • I am 25 weeks and I still sleep on my tummy...I can't help hubby is always yelling at me saying that I am going to squish the baby lol
  • @lovelylaydee I sleep da same, way u doit feels so comfortable but at da same time I wanna make sure da baby is safe da way we sleep is da best way lol dnt u think so
  • @Luvbeingamom, i love tummy sleeping lol. only way i sleep!
  • Yea me too wud not choose a better way
  • I lay a pillow under my belly now because I always roll on to my belly I am 37 weeks and have tried not to roll over just cant help it
  • I'm 19 weeks I lay on my tummy half way lol.. its starting to get incomfortable so I've started the pillow between my legs andsleeping on my side
  • You can sleep on your tummy as long as you like. Your body will tell you when to stop. I'm 25 weeks with my 4th child and I miss sleeping on my tummy. I can't wait until summer hits. When we go to the beach I always dig a whole for my tummy, lay my towel down and take a nap on my tummy.
  • ^^ good idea! I live 5min. From the beach :D
  • I also was wondering the same question I love sleeping on my stomach but its stating to bother me
  • I was so bloated and constipated at first that it was uncomfortable. But now, at 16 weeks, it's comfortable again. And I am sleeping better!

    I think laying off the cheeseburgers helped cut the gas and bloating for me.
  • Thanks for all the advice!!! :)
  • I can olny get good sleep if im on my tummy. Im 16weeks 4days and my fiance doesnt like it at all so he stays up tell i fall sleep on my side. Cant stay sleep like tat. Im happy to know others ladies with the baby bump sleep on there own lol :)
  • The docs want you to sleep on your left side for better circulation. I can't imagine being 37 wks and laying on my tummy.. I wouldn't be able to sleep with an uncomfortable lump there. Pillows between the knees is a must
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  • I Sleep On My Belly
  • Well for some reason I can but not flat on my stomach because my pillows are thick and. keep me quite high up but then again everyone is different
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