regular 28-29 day cycle no AF...

So I've been ttc since Sept and my cycle has always been regular 28-29 day cycle. AF was due on the 18th or 19th and I've had no sign of her, I want to take a test but I'm scared ill get another BFN, my friend suggest I wait 3more days before testing and another said test in the morning, I'm so scared I don't know what to do..please help ladies


  • Test in the morning and if its negative wait a week and test again...
  • Agreed test in the am if nothing wait.. do you chart? I assume no.. when I was ttc I had one cyle.. just one where I ovulated late causing a late af.. never been late before that. Hope its it for you!
  • I agree, test in the morning! You are late enough to get your result hun! :) mine always popped up when I was 3 days late. Let us know!!
  • So I went to er becus I wasn't feeling well, they did a blood test n it came up negative, n they have no clue why af still hasn't came, but I am NEVER late...I've had the same cycle for 4-5 yrs now, and my first pregnancy didn't say bfp till I was around 3months or so, and they still couldn't tell how far along I was so I'm going to wait it out for another month or two, in short words I'm almost 100% sure I'm pregnant
  • Wow that is crazy that yours didn't show up until so late!!!!! But, hopeful for what is going on now LOL sure hope u end up getting your bfp!!!! Let us know!!!
  • Af has never been late for me......was by 7 days this month then reared her ugly head today, so upset! I hope things are different for you and maybe your hcg level was just too low to detect! Good luck!
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