3d ultra sound helpp!!

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Do u have to pay for one? I have had regular ones but I want a 3d us im 34 weeks 6 days tommarow I will be 35 weeks and I jus want to see how my princess looks.


  • Don't think ins pays for the 3d or 4d u/s. Think its cash. Good luck
  • Yeah I'm having mine done april 6th n its costing us 90
  • Yea I thimk its worth the money let me know how it goes
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  • Were do u live
  • My Dr does it courtesy
  • Oh I probably. Just depends where you go
  • Readlly where do u live what doctor office
  • It's is costing us 125, and they will only do it from 26-30 weeks
  • At my dr's office, they have packages ranging from $100-$500. Ridiculous! They only do it after 28 weeks. We're getting ours done this week. The $100 package, ofcourse.
  • Wow thats alot im 35 weeks tommaro I mite as well wait till she get here
  • I've heard from some mothers that had their 3d after 34 weeks say that they regretted doing it so late cuz baby was so crowded that it was hard to even get a good look at the face or anything. I personally wouldnt know though.
  • My doctor actually told us to save the money and use it to buy the baby diapers. She is upfront and honest about everything. She tells me the truth everytime i ask a question even if i don't like the answer. She said they often have a hard time with getting clear shots because the baby is so cramped. Here it costs $125
  • I have cigna ins and I covers 3d. my doctor will be doing 2d and 3d u/s at every visit
  • *it covers
  • I went to a 3d place and paid 160 at 30 weeks and it came out great
  • Imreally want to get it done im 35 weeks now I will be upset if they cnt get a picture L-)
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