depressed, sad, angry, worried & hurt HELP );

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So my boyfriends mom is really strict he's bin scared to tell her but he's finally telling her today he says she's going to kick him out and yell. I know his mom and she's pretty scary I'm sad because if she dose my mom dose not want him staying with us and if he can stay with us I'm leavings with him help give me advice or your opinion )';


  • I know the situation is scary...I've been in your shoes it was just the opposite in my situation, but when we told our family's the reaction we got was 100% different from what we thought...neither family was happy and neither wanted to be there for us at first in fact my mother and father tried to physically fight my bf that night but that was 4 years ago and now we are married and very close with our families. What all this means is they may surprise you just give them a Chance and if it does turn out the way you think it will just remember that its more about the baby than either of you so don't freak out and stay calm so you and your boyfriend can have your own family ...after all that's all that really matters
  • Thank you that helped a lot (;
  • i agree with ^^^
  • Your welcome I'm very glad I could help and good luck :)
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