when did you start to show?

I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my first. I am 5" 3', active and was 102 lbs...I'm at 112 now. (Is that normal weight gain?)
But my real question is when did you guys start to show. When I let it all hang out, you can tell that I'm in the first stages of pregnancy, but if I suck in, it just looks like i've gained a couple lbs around my waist line. 80% of my pants are hard to button, and I've read that you don't show as fast if its your first pregnancy.


  • You are tiny and you'll most likely show early! 2 lbs in the first trimester is healthy weight gain..you don't need most of your extra weight until late in the 2nd or 3rd. I am a bigger girl..not huge by any means but definitely not a size 5. Lol. I could notice my own body changes earlier on but didn't "pop" until about 20 weeks with my son. With this one I'm 8 weeks and definitely feel like I'll be showing earlier this time.
  • This is my first pregnancy and I didn't start really showing until about 20 weeks. I'm only 5"2' and was 120 lbs before i got pregnant.. Just be patient.. Won't be long :)
  • 20 weeks my clothes are just starting to be too small im 22 weeks
  • Compared to everyone else I feel huge lol I'm 8wks and I've only gained a few pounds but my boobs are so big I can't button my coat and I've already given up on my jeans...I think I might be retaining water though...lol
  • I'm 6 weeks with my third and bought a belly band and maternity jeans yesterday .. Mostly bloating probably but my regular pants certainly are not comfy anymore
  • With my 1st not till 24 weeks 2nd around 20
  • Yeah I think my issue is a lot is bloating too because my stomach isn't as big when I first wake up in the morning but seems to get bigger as the day goes on haha
    Thanks for everyone's input by the way!
  • I am nine weeks and I am showing already....hmmm should I be worried??? Or am I having a huge child?
  • Ur probably just bloated
  • I'm 21 weeks and still barely showing nobody at work can even tell yet but I'm 5' 8" and was 150 lbs when I found out I was prego
  • Lol @Paganmom.

    Im working on 7 weeks, im only 5'1 and 92 lbs. I think Ill be an early one haha.
  • edited February 2011
    Normal weight gain is 3-4 pounds in the first trimester, then about a pound a week after that (more if you were underweight pre-pregnancy and less if you were overweight). It may fluctuate here and there, but your total weight gain should be around 30 pounds or so. :)
  • I'm 13 weeks and haven't been able to button my pants since week 10. I'm 5"9' at 135 before pregnancy now I'm 138 and showing a little pop belly.:)
  • Im 11 weeks ans i got a bump
  • I'm 16 weeks, I've gained 7lbs, I'm still in that bloated look but its the biggest bloated I've ever had lol. Only time I think you can tell is when I have to pee, my lower stomach sticks out like there isn't enough room. Lol.
  • 12 weeks and I'm def showing. Sometimes more than others...depending on the day
  • In two days ill b15 weeks. Only gained 5lbs but def showing if u kno me. If not than I just look plump in the middle. Looks bigger in maternity pants cuz its not beibg resricted
  • im 18 weeks 5 days have gained 24 pounds doc said he's not worried cuz with my smallness ill lose all if not more once the baby is born started showing at 14 weeks at about sixteen i went from kinda looks pregnant to no question i was pregnant luckily all the weight is in the belly and chest area
  • I'm 23 weeks and finally starting to show. Just started wearing maternity clothes :) this is my first and like I said I'm just now starting to really look pregnant!
  • I will b 11 weeks n 20 mins I was 119 now I'm 136 im 5'7 all I do is eat lol but I have a lil belly I can't wear my pants smh should I go to Maternity pants?
  • @Mommy2b11 yes go ahead and do Maternity pants. They make some really cute and modern. They also give the little one and you more room. I love mine.
  • im 13 weeks now and deff showing. how do i know? cause my belly has gotten huge and i've lost weight! haha. but im just now outta mi first trimester so losing weight isnt anything to worry about, plus i stayed sick with throwing up for awhile too!
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