Braxton hicks??

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
When do you start to feel then and what do they feel like? Today at work I stood up and my uterus got so tight I could barely stand up.


  • that is definetly braxton hicks that you felt. from what I've read, you can start feeling them anytime after 11 weeks. I didn't start feeling them until later though.
  • I'm 16 weeks. That's the first time I felt it and told a coworker who said she doubted it was that but I had a feeling it was.
  • I get that too, I thought it was just cramping from uterus stretching. Im 16 wks too. Its like this pain that stops u right in ur tracks n all u can do is hurl over n hold ur belly. Right?
  • It doesn't really hurt, it's just uncomfortabe
  • that happens all the time to me even getting out of the bath aaahhhh I hate it
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