Starving.....always lol

I swear my stomache is always grumbling with hunger. I haven't had any morning sickness yet, just waves of nasea. Anyone else feel like as soon as they eat and a few hours pass that they're ready for more? I don't recall having this hunger issue with my first :/. Not to mention I feel like its so early in the game...EDD 9-19-11


  • Yes! This Is my first and going through very similar to u! I'm already excited about my next meal before I finish the one I'm eating , haven't spewed but do get quite nauseas an real tired an grumpy lol :)
  • I'm always nauseous, especially if I don't eat as soon as I start to feel hungry! I turn into a beast. It was hard before I pit two and two together in the morning. I could only drink a cup of milk and hope my tummy would calm down. Now I choke down some toast, too.
  • I'm the same way. Right after I finish a meal, my stomache is like "Okay! What's next?!". Even as soon as 45 minutes after it seems, lol.
  • I just posted this earlier to . Am having the same thing happen to me am 9weeks and am always hungry. I also got other post about other ladies and its early in their pregnancy to
  • edited January 2011
    Omgosh me too. I am 8 weeks along and trying to eat healthy but I am always hungry. I am craving taco bell all of the time for some reason too.
  • I'm 11 weeks and am constantly starving! How do they expect u not to gain too much weight when your god awful hungry all the time?!
  • Pregnant with 2nd child and im constantly hungry to. Although most of my fave meals cant stand the thought of eating makes me gag jst thinkin about them. So far I cnt face eating any type of pasta products, chips, beans, bread, hot dogs, red meats. bt having serious cravings for indians currys
  • I've been eating a lot of small meals and snacks. It helps to keep the hunger under control without being a total pig. And it almost gets rid of the nausea... almost.
  • I'm ony 5 weeks and can't fit in my cloths went out today to try and find some pants not but no luck. It doesn't help that my husbands handing me food left and right. He say we have to feed his
  • Im only 6 weeks and oh my gosh, throwing up left to right. My bestfriend is the toilet. Hahaha. i try to eat but it wont stay down. And yes, my pants dont fit either. Lol. oh well, all worth it. Question: does anybody get small fevers??
  • I'm always hungry a lot in the morning and afternoon. I eat breakfast and I'm ready for lunch at 11. I'm not used to eating in between meals so when I do, I'm not hungry at night. Its so strange. I'm 5 weeks
  • I'm ony 5 weeks and can't fit in my cloths went out today to try and find some pants not but no luck. It doesn't help that my husbands handing me food left and right. He say we have to feed his
  • You know what o get for saying that I was controlling the nausea? I can't eat anything. Everything sounds gross and most make me gag.
  • I'm either nauseous or starving all the time! its driving me crazy!
  • Same here. I'm 6 weeks and started bawling today because my jeans don't fit. My fiance was like honey its ok your making room for our baby. He's so supportive but I feel awful. I was heavy before and being pregnant makes me feel like a balloon. No cute tummy pics for me.
  • @Ourfirst1 I did that yesterday to am 9 weeks. My bf says the same thing glad hes here to support me and understand. I hate that am so emotional now lol. Good luck
  • I was devistated that I gained 9 lbs in 4 weeks and when I came home from my dr appnt I was crying. My husband told me I was stupid for acting that way... he is not supportive of my emotions at all right now... any ideas to help him be more supportive?
  • I know the feeling lealove, my boyfriend yells at me eveytime I get emotional. It's so hard this is my first an I really feel Luke I'm going through all this on my own . An I cant even talk to anyone bout it coz I know they will b angry and think bad of him even tho he deserves it , feeling so list right now :(
  • stupid predictive text
    *like *lost
  • I am 7 wks and can't seem to eat enough! I'm grouchy, tired, and hungry all the time. It will so be worth it in the end! Can't wait! EDD- 9/18
  • I'm 8 weeks and I'm hungry alot too. I got on the scale today, I've already gained 10 pounds. I think I'm going to start drinking a glass of water every time I get hungry to make sure it's really hunger.
  • I'm 6 weeks today and my stomach is always growling! I'm talking extreme hunger pains and after I eat hungry again in half hour. hope it's not like this the whole 9 months!
  • I'm 34 weeks and I had my dinner an hour ago but hungry again :/ rather anoying and after I eat I gotta sleep lol.
  • Hello im preg wit my 5th baby.I've nvr felt the way I feel this nauseas about 95% of the day but still hungry as soon as I eat 2hrs later im starving again.I can only eat wht im in the mood for so sometimes that means me or hubby running to@the store for watevr it is at the moment I can eat,lol.the 1st sign of dehydration is hunger pains so I usually drink about 10glasses of water a day but now im drinking double which def helps wit the hunger pains but now I just spend alot more time going pee,lol.watevr its worth it, lol
  • I'm about 10 weeks pregnant but I have the total opposite problem I am never hungry and when I do eat I feel sick this is a specially worse at night though I don't have a lot of nausea and sickness I have a lot of discomfort after I eat I definitely feel very tired I'm so excited... I'm just crossing my fingers that things will get better as the month move on I just keep reminding myself that is cute little peanut inside me worth it =;
  • :X This was the smiley that I meant to, put hehe
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