My husband...

I feel sometimes he says the things he says to make feel crappy on purpose. Anybody else ever feel like that? I was ready to cry my eyes out minutes ago. I need a laugh, somebody please tell me something funny help me feel better PLEASE!!!


  • I call my husband Surly Bear and I gave him his own frowny faced emoticon. >:o[
  • put his toothbrush in the toilet ;) just kiddin hun. Men aren't bright when they are dealing with sensitive preggers.
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  • My man hates to be called a goober. Guess what is my favorite name to call him when he is acting like a goober?

    I'm sure he doesn't really do it on purpose. It sure does feel like it sometimes, though. Let him know how you feel. For us, talking about it helps him understand where I'm coming from, and it helps me to laugh at myself for getting my panties in a big bunch for no good reason.
  • My bf told me I had a gut yesterday. I've never had a gut. I'm at that stage where my belly bump looks more like pudge. It kinda hurt my feelings. Then I looked at him and realized his "baby bump" has gotten twice as big as mine in the last 3mos. I let him have it. Then he was the one feeling bad.
  • I've always been sensitive buh now that I'm pregnant I'm even more so... Ha, cool! I like the Grumpapillar nickname, thats very creative.. Thank you ladies, you've all helped the bad feelings going away....
  • I've been feeling the same way...and I hate to cry in front of him because I hate to show weakness....but lately I can't help it :/ he always acts like he's sorry after I cry but I feel like he does it purposely
  • @sdubois I'm the same way. I know my bf does things to get a reaction out of me. He's always been an agitator. I refuse to cry but its getting harder the more pregnant I get. Sometimes I think I should just let one good cry out. I know he'll feel bad. Then maybe he'll watch his mouth.
  • @MamaBear13 I have a signal for when my fiance is being a selfish asshole.....I rub my stomach in a large circular motion. He laughs but that's all I got and he knows what it means.
  • It works even tho he chuckles. Lol
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