6 weeks after a recent misscarriage

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I recently had a miscarriage and had a d&c performed February 4th . I just found out that without menstrating I am pregnant again :) the ultrasound tech says 6 weeks. Has anyone else gone through this or have any advice for me ? I am very nervous and praying this one works !!!


  • edited March 2011
    I Have. Had a miscarriage 2 weeks later got pregnant. He is now 16 months old
  • Samantha, my heart goes out to you. I had a miscarriage in Dec. I was 8weeeks.
    I also had a dnc. The baby had abnormal cells, my doctor did a study on the cells after
    the dnc. I was so devasted, and we have been trying since Jan. and NOW I'm prego again, just found out on friday!! This will be my 1st child.
    So just take it easy and don't stress too much. God knows best!!
  • Thank you. This is will also be my first . I know god has a plan and everything happens for a reason . I am very excited yet scared as well . Not quit sure how I should feel yet . I'm just trying my hardest to avoid stress , stay hydrated and eat properly! Congrats to the both of you as well ! :)
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