C-section: awake or asleep?

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
I had an emergency c-section 18 months ago, I had preeclamsia and my placenta ruptured when I was 36 weeks. I remember being scared, because they had to prepare me quick for the surgery, and after I got an epidural, they couldnt wait for it to make effect. I was feeling everything while they were opening, so I guess they did general anesthesia (after I was screaming out of pain), and I dont remember anything, I passed out, but my mom (who was with me at the time of surgery) told me that I saw my baby after she was born, but I just dont remember. Now I will be having another c-section, and this one is planned, so I wonder if its better just to stay awake and feel when the baby comes out, and also when they put the staples on, or just to be asleep and wake up in my room with my child. I guess im afraid that its going to be as traumatic as when I had the emergency c-section. Any help will be appreciated! Thank you :)


  • They epi must not have takne good since they were in such a hurry! I've had 2 csections and will be having third in aug. Had epidural and spinal block on both (so I was awake) and did not feel a thing! I think awake is better bc u get to hear first cry and see baby! =) good luck and blessings for u and baby!!!
  • Mine was planned and the only thing I felt was pressure..it is worth it to hear that first cry. I didn't get staples so I don't know anything about that...but its less scary planned and a lot more calm
  • I had two c sections and one was an emergency to and was scared but didn feel pain just pressure maybe ur anesthesia didnt come into full effect till later on.my second c section was the same I was awake to see my babies but put to sleep when they were closing it and puttin the staples. Just have sumone in there with u n ull be fine.
  • I would like to stay awake aswell, I dont want to miss my baby being born, but do staples hurt once they put them on? That freaks me out a bit. I was stiched on the first surgery and took a while to recover..
  • I was awake for mine and didn't feel anything. I have a planned one this Friday yay and I am having twins. Its better to be awake I loved being able to hear my daughter cry for the first time but I am a little nervous about the second one
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