Glucose test blech

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Im gettin the sugar test in a couple wks
What do I do to prepare for it
How long does it take n how is it done or results read
N is there any other flavor besides orange
I have done this test when preg wit my daughter but forgot how it works


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  • Same here had to fast then drank the orange kind waited an hour and they drew blood
  • They let me choose between lemon lime and orange. I did lemom lime. I drank it..they took blood after an hr. And grr I failed the first time ( it was high) so they made me retake it (today actually) and instead of 50mg of sugar I had to drink 100mg...and I had to get blood taken every hr for 3hrs...ugh I felt like I was going to throw up the whole time cuz I had to fast for 12hrs prior to my appointment with a total of fifteen hrs of not eating and then drinkin 100g of sugar?? Ugh..torture...good luck. Hope u pass :)
  • How far along do they usually do this test... I'm 21 weeks and never heard of it...
  • I did mine at 28wks..some do it a bit earlier..
  • @heatherlynn thanks... I find it off I havenever before heard of this
  • I know ppl who have kids who are like 8yrs old and didn't have to do the test. Sooo its becoming more common because women who are pregnant can get gestational diabetes easily esp if it runs in your family. The test is better known as a "glucose reading"
  • Im 26 weeks and have mine tomorrow morning. Hope I pass. No way could I fast for the 3 hour test. I would pass out b4 I even got to the office. I feel like total crap if I go longer than 4 hours w/out eating.
  • I had to fast for the one hr test as well..:( and then I couldn't drink water after I drank that nasty stuff
  • @jalem They will test earlier if you show any signs or symptoms. I was tested @ 21wks cause they found glucose in my urine during a regular urine screen. I have gestational diabetes and have to take insulin for it. The usual 1hr test isn't that big a deal and your Dr will prob bring it up when its closer to testing time. It only takes an hour and fifteen minutes to complete the whole process, so it doesn't usually have to be scheduled far in advance. I recommend setting your appt for it first thing though, so you can get it over with and eat breakfast!
    @heatherlynn Isn't the 100mg drink awful! And the fact you have to get stuck 4 times in 3hrs! When do you find out your results?
  • Yes omg 4 times in the same arm and the lady who took the blood was not gentle haha...I don't know when I get the results back. Last time they came back within 2 days...I'm crossing my fingers that I don't have it...butttt...the 1st reading was 160 :(
  • O man I'm 32 weeks and did mine areally early like 15 weeks along the thre hour is toutcher I did mine after an apointment like at 10am I was so hungry and felt so sick after that dang drink I was falling asleep betwen pokes and got told that was a nono.. I'm s glad that's over.. I ended up borderlineat that time but now I'm giving myself 5 injections a day... good luck hope you pass cuz this sucks a*#
  • Im 11 weeks and have mine this Thursday. I hope I pass!
  • With my last pregnancy I had to have the three hour test and ended up throwing up like 10 minutes before my last blood draw. Ugh, so I had to retake it like a week later. I ended up being boarder lined. Now I am praying with this one I will only have to do the one hour. And I am even freaked about that one.

  • With my last pregnancy I had to have the three hour test and ended up throwing up like 10 minutes before my last blood draw. Ugh, so I had to retake it like a week later. I ended up being boarder lined. Now I am praying with this one I will only have to do the one hour. And I am even freaked about that one. :-S
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