2nd level ultrasound

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Hi so I'm 23 wks preg the doc before the new one I had never gave me the bloodwork to c if my bb boy has nethin wrong wit him n now im to far in preg for it so instead there gonna do 2 nd level ultrasound to make sure he ok
How does it work
What does it for sure show
What do I need to do to prepare for it
How long do I wait for results n is it dangerous
Plz help im nervous


  • Not dangerous at all. It is just an ultrasound but they go through and measure everything to make sure baby is good. They look at the organs and measure the head circumference, also the femur bone. There is a fold on the back of the neck called a nucal fold and they look at that to see if it is normal, if not that is some sort of indicator for downs.
    They basically check EVERYTHING possible.
  • Just a more in depth ultra sound. They check all organs do a doppler on blood flow in placenta and cord. They check for markers for downs and spinal/neural tube defects as well. You just have to show up and watch your lil one wiggle around on the screen :-)
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