Anyone else losing weight?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am almost 18 weeks and instead if gaining weight I am losing. I have list a total of 8lbs so far. I started out at 178 and am 170 I am 5 feet 9 inches tall. My dr said its normal and to not worry but was just wondering how many others aren't gaining. Oh and its not because I'm throwing up all the time either and I am eating a health diet.


  • My doctor told me it was normal too. I lost about 10 pounds and I'm only 13 weeks
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  • I am 21 weeks and down 20lbs... my.Dr hasn't said anything about it so I am assuming it'd alright I'm only 5'3" though andweighrs 170 so that might be why but she says baby is healthy and that's the priority
  • I am barely 11 weeks and have lost over 20 lbs. due to the morning sickness and lack of appetite
  • Yeah I'm not really worried about it, was just wondering how common it really was.
  • I was surprise i was losing weight when o started to eat more...but will see if i gained any when i go in next wk.
    I would weight myself@ home but my scale broke...
  • Everyone says I need to try and eat more but I eat till I'm full, I don't want to try and scarf food and overeat and then end up on the other side gaining to much weight.
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