lack of a "want to".....

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Since I became pregnant with #2 I have been very distant .... Not even wanting a hug/kiss.... I feel really bad and its coming between me and my hubby. Is anyone going through the same thing??


  • YUp! it makes my husband sad but I can't seem to show any type of emotion towards him :(
  • I talked to my doc and she said it cause the bby has to have so much of my hormones and there's nothing I can do till after the bbys born...
  • Yea but its not every day some days i dont want him next to me or lookin at me. I dont know y just a feelin
  • Ha ha ha I know! And I just think what's wrong with me?!
  • For the last 6 weeks I've not wanted my husband to touch me, let alone kiss me or anything else. He's so hurt and rejected and I feel so frustrated because I want to but I can't. :(
  • O I know it sucks cause its not like u can help it
  • I disagree with that. You can help it. Maybe not your feelings but you don't need to let that affect your actions towards your husband.
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