Congratulations! Mood swings. tiredness. sore breasts, anxiousness..

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Okay, this is my third pregnancy but unfortunately none of the others have developed into a baby :-( but I'm very optimistic about this pregnancy, I am 4 weeks, 5 days, due Dec 1st. it seems that I feel a lot more pregnant this time.

My breasts have been so sore since day 1, I'm always tired (although I was before and now I have an excuse) I've got terrible mood swings, my poor boyfriend is on the receiving end constantly. But this time I've had no spotting or bleeding (unlike the other times by this time) but I think that's down to no sex.

However I have got some worries. Understandably but I'm not so scared this time.

I just wanted to congratulate all you other mum's to be on your little pips, prawns, and finally babies!


  • Thx!! We have two beautiful boys but been struggling on #3. Everytime I got a bfp that's all I had :( I felt great physically. We nvr got to meet those babies :'( but this time at 4-5 weeks, the symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks!! Boobs were obnoxious and I wanted to kill my husband one second, and kiss him the next. I was like "yaaay!! I think its a sticky one!!" Hope this is your sticky bean too!! Big Huggzz
  • @cinnabon

    I'm sure this is both of times! I will keep you in my thoughts. Keep me updated, we can support each other cuz goodness knows I need all the support I can get! :-)
  • I remember my first pregnancy I was about 5 weeks and was bleeding & cramping horrible! The second pregnancy I had brown blood, no cramping and was about 5-6weeks both resulting in miscarriage with this pregnancy im now 16 1/2weeks with twins but in my first trimester I stayed far away from sex, and basically put myself on bed rest, I believe that helped me a lot!:) im so happy to finally be pregnant :) congrats ladies!
  • @mummydowding u are definitely in my thoughts too! Plz stay around with updates. I made it to 10 weeks and got a heartbeat Yay!!! Do u have doc appt yet?
  • @2peasinapod

    Congratulations! You're doubly lucky to be expecting twins! Your comment has made me feel a lot better cuz all of your previous experiences seem the exact same as mine and this time its completely different.


    Not got doctors yet, I am weary of doctors but will go in the next week or two. I've purchased a heartbeat detector for when I reach 10 weeks :-)
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