Sex, not interested, at all.

I'm 16w today and the thought of sex makes me - uhh, tired and nauseous and moody.. Like everything else.
Its not the only way we bond but my boyfriend and I are having a tough time getting close these past couple weeks. Anyone else? Advice?


  • Lol y'all aren't the only ones there's a post on here titled " sex " that has a few good points on it.
  • Am 37weeks n only had sex two times my hole pregnacy n eew not feeling like it :/ sorry no advice lol
  • @miriam24 twice entire pregnancy?! Your man is paaaaaatient! Mine is a bit of a horn dog, I've been encouraging more nights at basketball and the gym :/
  • Luvbeingamom started th post I think
  • I am 10 weeks and have no desire, I feel sorry for my hubby. Maybe 2nd trimester will be different
  • now close to the end my bf doesnt wanna come close to the naked belly lol but thats all i wanna do. sadly he enjoys porn....alot! so im the one suffering :/
  • Yea it'll be worse! Lol I'm the same but this is my second... The doc said I can take something for it afterwards but for now well have to be patient
  • This Is my third and my desire went away after my first. At age 19... I'm 23 now and if when this baby comes out its my hormones dont change idk what I'm gonna do :( I dont want my husband to leave
  • idk if I'm wrong but I hardly ever wanna have sex but I feel so bad. for him that we do it anyways.... I do it for him, is that what counts?
  • Girls its normal.. But talk to your doc abt it bc there are medications you can take to help with desire.. Its all based in those neurotransmitters! @shaila_n_newbaby does your guy know youre just kinda going through the motions?
  • well I'm 27 weeks and me an my husband always have sex it help me when i had my 2 year old
  • @denman4 lucky you, must be nice :)
  • I'm in the same poor hubby is a borderline sex addict and I'm so not into sexy time these days. I'm making an effort for once a week but ugh! Poor guy is going to develop carpal tunnel.
  • your not alone sweetie...i got the same prob also. I love sex don't get me wrong ;) it's just that ever since I got preg i've been trying to avoid it! I don't want it and sometimes I don't even want my hubby to touch me. I feel sorry for him...he loves it when I'm preg and thinks it's hot :) but he also understands...great luck sweetie :)
  • @booface hehe same here! i try my best to b nice to him and do everything I can to make him happy though...just no sex.
  • @CeliaAgnes yeah he does I've tried explaining it to him but he just took it personal as though I just don't wanna have sex with him anymore
  • Im Sex Crazy Now That Im Pregnant, I Want Sex All The Time But Don't Know How To Tell My BabyDaddy Lol It's Like Im Suppppeeerrr Horny 24/7.
    Am I Alone???
  • I can't say I agree 'yet' with my other 2 boys I was a sex adict and my husband could hardly keep up. Lol.
  • @CeliaAgnes I am 21 weeks pregnant and have not had sex since...two weeks before I found out so 23 weeks sex free. I just can't stand the thought of it though! I know what got me here lol and don't want it near me :P
  • Farthest thing from my mind between puking all the time and being constipated
  • I'm usually a very horny lady and the beginning of the pregnancy maintained that drive but around 20 weeks I wanted to rip my finances face off when he tried to have sex and we'd do it less than once a week just for his sake which is much less than our normal few times a day. Now I'm 32 weeks and I'm back to my horny self thank god!!! :D
  • @fetherolc I'm just curious but how are you 21w but haven't had sex for 23w? I'm totally confused!
  • @babyluv8 lol I should have elaborated..I didn't have sex for two weeks leading up to me finding out haha plus my (now 22 weeks) adds up to how many weeks I have been sex free:)
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