I am only about 8-10 weeks pregnant and I am already having a really hard time getting comfortable in bed. Was just wondering if any one else had this problem very early on.
Hi, i'm 8 weeks tomorrow and i'm already uncomfortable sleeping and sitting! My boyfriend brought me this really long body pillow which is helping me get comfy in bed but i'm sleeping at all odd hours!
OIts normal to feel uncomfortable in the beginning.....i started feeling the same way at around 8 weeks and it does get worse......body pillows work (i have one).....also, adding a few extra pillows under your head helps take pressure off your body so its more comfortable sleeping in almost any position....i toss and turn now, especially since he moves a ton and kicks me at weird hours......hope it helps.....
Ha I'm 19 wks n 6 days. The only way tht I can fall out is if I'm extremely tired. Tryin lying on your left side. The dr said something about it opening up your lung cavity and relieving the stress on our backs and pelvis.