Are Pregnancy Announcements Really Neccessary??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I was talking to my cousin today and she brought to my attention that some of my family members think my pregnancy is a secret because I didn't tell them pesonally. I have a huge military family. Everybodies everywhere, including different countries. I told my closest family members personally and posted it on Facebook (which a lot of my family is on). I figured the rest would spread word of mouth. Seems like everything else does. I guess I can see why they might think I was hiding it. I've always been the single, free spirited, "little" cousin. I'm sure no on expected me to get pregnant (including me lol). However, I'm 26 yrs old now, I've actually calmed down a lot since being pregnant, and my parents are estatic. My mother was even a little disappointed that no one had called to congratulate her on her first grandchild. She's the one that suggested pregnancy announcements. I don't think I've ever even seen any before. Are they even nesseccary or is my family just being dramatic?


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