breast milk coming in or not?

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester

My first appointment the dr.asked if my breats were sore and when I said no she assured me they should be and everybody keeps saying they will get bigger and they haven't. I'm about 20 weeks right now and I'm wondering when I will see any of these changes. I've heard sometimes the breast milk just doesn't come in. I'm a little worried. So to recap, at 20 weeks, no breast tenderness, they don't seem any bigger. Normal or no?


  • My sisters boobs never got bigger and she didn't get any milk in.. she's had 2 babies and both were the same. But me my boobs are huge and I'm already leaking I'm 19w 3d.. everyones different. You'll probably just get a little milk in but not til after the baby
  • I know I'm gonna feel bad if I can't breastfeed.
  • Aww hun. . It'll be fine :) you'll probably just get your milk later than others. I was this way with my first also.. I feel like a cow LOL
  • Id really like to hear when everyone else got theirs in, or didn't.
  • Got mines in at 17 weeks.. I just squeezed mines out..
  • I never got mine with my first 2. My boobs have grown some this time so I hope it comes. Im 24 weeks and my boobs quit hurtin after 1st trimester
  • My boobs have hurt and gotten bigger since day 1...I'm due may 4 and don't have any "leaking"
  • I feel like since mine haven't shown any signs that it won't happen. I hope I'm wrong.
  • Someone.said u can buy something at the health food store to make your milk come in. ask ur dr about that @jess_rain13
  • I definitely will ask. I have an appt in a few days.
  • I just read an article on this...every woman is different and some women may not experience breast enlargement until after the baby is born and colostrum has stopped being produced. Then the real milk comes in.
  • My boobs got huge with my first pregnancy but milk came in after bubs was born and I had more milk than he could drink lol ... but this time round not much sensitivity or enlargement... everyone is different as is every pregnancy
  • I was gunna ask the same question except my boobs arnt sore at all but they did go up a cup size. Could it be just from the weight gain since i gained 40 lbs and due tomarrow? I havent had any leaking and even when i squeeze nothing at all. Im hoping ots not cause 7 years ago i got both pierced and they were done wrong
  • Well the actual milk doesn't come in till birth right now what is developing is a liquid called collesteum it will give ur baby the nutrition until the milk comes in which can take or two . Like everyone said everybody is different I know people who didn't start to produce till a couple weeks.b4 birth but my self I didn't have any pain but I was leaking the week I conceived hormones act differently with everyone
  • I'm glad to know everyone is so different. Hope everything goes ok for me.
  • My books never changed size with my first two, but my milk came in after their births. This time my books hurt constantly and have gotten larger.14 wks 1 day.
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