38 weeks;depressed & heartbroken

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm so hurt, my boyfriend left me for his ex when I was just 25 weeks. I'm 38 weeks now and he still continue to disrespect me nd sleep with his ex and choose her over me. But he claims he loves me. :(


  • ahhh his just a dog. if he loves yu he would not do what his doing. I think ur better off alone
  • good luck hun %%-
  • I would just try to focus on staying healthy for baby and the upcoming delivery. Hopefully you've got someone who will be there with you.
  • @laurashorty I'm trying so hard but its hard when I'm still in love with him, but all he want to do is take care of his son :bz
  • @nicksmommy I know I'm better off without him. But he is always around :(
  • Girl, I know how you feel. Except my bf isn't cheating on me. He just wants me to take care of myself and prove to him that I can get a job and keep it. You are in my prayers. Just focus on that baby of yours because it will love you no matter what. I hope I helped. Good luck babygirl (=
  • then your the one that needs to stay away from him. and not see him
  • @tiffanystamm he isn't cheating on me..he just left me forhis ex, thank you for the prayer.. :)
  • @nicksmommy its hard when we have to go to the drs appts together and I'm still involved with his family and vice versa because we have a child
  • Well that's the way it is right now. I'm all alone. It hurts to feel this way. Plus all this stress is bad for the baby. But I know that god has a plan. He is supporting me. He even said that if I couldn't find anywhere else to live, I could stay with him. It's just a shitty situation for the both of us. But I'm not giving up because when something is worth fighting for, you do anything and everything you can to make it work.
  • i cant really relate to you because i am still with bd. But i know what i would do, he does not have to go to the appts wit you. You should let his family know and yours wats going on so they can understand that u need to be away for a while. its gonna be hard specially cause his ur bd but his disrespecting you. his always gonna be there cause his bd and is gonna want to see baby wen born mean while you need to set your brain and feelings away from him stress free....
  • He dont love you that was something he's been erging that y he went back to her so fast he's not a man your baby almost due he running from his responsibility ill say put his ass on childsurport since he want to act like that and watch as soon as those papers served watch his butt straight n up he gone want you then but god bless you and ya child
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