Horrible Pains :(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Tonight I had the worst sharp pain ever. I have been having pains all week, it feels like my stomach is just to small to hold my baby. Because every times she moves my stomach tightens up and it hurts so bad. I feel like I always have cramps, and it sucks. I have a appointment Monday, but my mom says I should call tomorrow and try to get in earlier because I just cant handle the pain. I'm not sure what to do or if I should worried. Is this normal? Its my first pregnancy and I just want my baby to be healthy so I am a little scared :( If you have any advise it would be much appreciated.


  • How far along are you? I am 37 wks and have pain from the baby moving and all of my joints hurt too! My doc said that is just an unfortunate side effect of being pregnant. You could be in a different boat though, everyone is different. You could always ask your doc to be sen earlier, there is no harm in that and that way you have less stressing time. Maybe just give them a call and explain what you are experiencing and the docs office can tell you if you need to come in sooner.
  • How far along are you? Im on baby number 3 &, havent experienced any unbarable pain until actual labor.
  • I am almost 32 weeks. But you are right @PreggoGiggles I should call my doctor so I can stop stressing over it. I am just so worried its something wrong, but like you said everyones pregnancy is different. I think my body just isn't used to having all this extra weight. @ Karla_with_a_K my pain is sometimes unbearable, its just tonight it was the worst and the pain lasted for about 2 minutes so it really worried me.
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