im jealous!! most september mamas know what their having



  • @kbg10 I just had my gender ultrasound done early, at 16 weeks. I paid $125 and I don't think it was a waste of money. Mine was the 2d with a DVD and CD. I think it was worth every penny!
  • September 2nd i find out april 13th
  • I'm due Sept 10 & I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who didn't find out what I'm having yet...I have my appt/us scheduled for April 14 & it seems like eternity! Just ready to find out so we can settle on a name & start shopping:)
  • I'm due 9/9 hopefully I'll find out today
  • I'm due 9-13 and find out April 19th
  • Due Sept 1st....appt scheduled for April 20th. This waiting and wondering thing hard
  • @lindah22 it's a boy.. don't worry about it. :) you can confirm soon enough! it goes by sooo fast!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Im due sept 1st having a boy!
  • I'm due sept 2-6 (cant pinpoint) but we will find out at 21 wks... april 25. :)
  • I'm due September 10th and I'll find out what I'm having next week on the 7th...I can't wait!!
  • Am due september 10th and dont find out till april 20th x
  • Dont worry to much am in scotland and they say its best to wait till 19 to 22 weeks as its more accurate as ppl have been told before this period of time and its been wrong
  • I am due Sept 6.. and want be able to find out what I am having until April 19th...
  • I'm due the 20th and I'm supposed to find out on the 4th of April aaahhhh the anticipation is killing me its like knowing ur getting a car for Christmas but u don't know what ur gonna get. ;)
  • sooo alotta people are going to these ultra sound places to find out sooner hmmm... idk im scared to go to those places! dont want them to be wrong and i buy all this stuff and its the wrong gender!! :L
  • I'm due august 21st and I'm bearly gonna find out tomorrow! (Well today lol)
  • Idk what I am having either and I'm due September 22
  • Due September 19, and I'm suppose to find out April 5th. I'm wearing all pink to that appt! :)
  • 14 wks 2days im due sept 26th and dr hasnt.said when we will find out! Ugh so anxious!
  • I am due sep 29 and having a girl :)
  • due sept 11th just found out today baby boy number 3 kinda upset was hoping for a girl but that's ok still happy
  • I'm due on September 29 idk wat I'm having. :(
  • Hi there! I c there is another momof22b on here and due the same day as me! Ha how funny is that!? I am due 9/20 and find out my baby's sex on 4/22! :) I so can't wait to find out!
  • My bad, guess its momof22be, close enough! ;)
  • Im due sept. 30th. I dont find out till Im 19 weeks. So 6 more weeks. I cant wait.
  • I'm due the Sept 18th and find out April 14 i can't wait
  • I'm due on September 24th and I won't find out which I'm having until the beginning of May...
  • I wouldn't have found out but we cheated and went to a 4d place..worth it to me.
  • im due sept 13, and hopefully will find out gender on april 14...if he/she cooperates!!!
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