
edited March 2011 in First Trimester
How's everyone feeling at 10 weeks??


  • I'm doing great no morning sickness and getting more energy how about you?
  • Oh god I'm fine for a day or two and it strikes with vengeance. The sea-bean is picky and finatic lol. Just turned ten weeks today. Yay double digits lol. When is both of your due dates? I'm Halloween
  • Feeling good other then moody lol
  • Im Oct 24th when yours?
  • I'm 10 wks 3.days and I have my days .. due Oct...22
  • 10w6d...haven't thrown up yet but past few days my nausea is more persistent. I go thursday for a nuchal scan and GTT. Hope I pass!
  • I hvnt been feelin pregnant so far except for the constant peein & bein tired I feel good hvnt had morning sickness or anything well a lil breast tenderness & lower back pain nt I kn still do everyday thngs
  • 10 weeks today, due October 26. Everyday is different..... one day I'm nauseous all day and throwing up the next I feel great with tons of energy. It's just a toss up lately!
  • I'm due October 25 I can't wait @ckasfirst
  • Feeling pretty good! Still nauseous, but not vomiting and a little tired but it seems to be getting better! We're almost to end of this trimester! Yay! :) Will you all be finding out the sex or waiting until d-day (delivery day)? We didn't find out with our first, but we will with this one! :) I can't wait!
  • Everyone seems to b sooo lucky.I havent stopped throwin up since 7 weeks.Hope it gets better in second trimester
  • I'm so excited to be close to the 2nd trimester. I've been sick and throwing up since 4 weeks. Its been a long 6 weeks. I've been in the ER twice for dehydration and tried tons of different medicines to help. Nothing's helped. I'm not due until Oct 24th and I'm already ready for this to be over!! This is my first and I have a feeling it maybe an only child. Lol!
  • Lol I said the same thing about having another one.It makes u appreciate women who have been pregnant many times.Im due the 27th of oct n im just hoping soon the sickness will go away so I can enjoy being pregnant!!Im surr when the babys here itll all b worth it
  • my due date is Oct 23rd. I've been doing really good. This is my first and I have had no morning sickness. I don't have the same appetite has before I was preg, I have to pee every sec, and my breast are sore but other then that I feel lucky. I'm so excited this trimester is almost done. I have my next appointment in a week and I cant wait! I get to hear the little ones heart beat. I worry sometimes and I just can't wait for the doc to tell me everything is ok :) good luck and Congrats to you all Xo
  • I am due oct 23rd also, been sick since about 6 weeks. Every day is different. One day I can eat whatever, next day can't eat a thing. I am on meds. They work sometimes and sometimes they make me sicker. I can't wait for 2nd trimester!
  • Due 10/21....one day im great...the next um puking up everything and nothing ..i try to get out and walk at least a mile a day....then nap! I go for my nuchal next thursday...hope they can see the sex
  • @momeetob1 I feel the same. Since I think 6 weeks its been rough. Lost 11 pounds though lol. And mood swings? I might as well be the worst multiple personality person now.
  • I'm due the 25th. The morning sickness is really killing me, I'm not throwing up, but constantly nauseous and can't eat a thing. Cooking for my daughter is torture!

    If its any consolation though, I was sick like this for 20 weeks last time and i'd actually forgotten how awful it was.
  • I'm 9wks 5 days. I haven't thrown up but I was really nauseous the last few weeks... felt fine the last few days so maybe that crap is over? That would be nice. Boobs are so sore hubby gets sad cuz he can't touch ("but they're so big" lol). Mood swings? Omg... I feel like I'm completely out of control. Anyone have cravings yet? We live in a small town and the nearest Taco Bell is an hour and a half away. After a week of "must have chalupa" my hubby finally made the trip for me last night. I felt so loved. Well, truth be told I blackmailed him into it lol. I told him if he didn't take me I'd spill the beans on facebook (still a secret from most of our fam and friends). See what I mean? I'm completely out of control! Lol
  • I'm 10 weeks 6 days and have been miserable!! Been to the er and doc 3 times from throwing up so much. I lost 3 lbs in a week! Due to that though i have got to see my boo in 3d & it is growing right on schedule! Due october 20. But it was way cool to see my baby in 3d and the ultrasound tech said her educated guesd is its a boy bc of tge penis looking thing in the 3d picture! I want a girl amd she said don't take her word bc its still extremely early. But even being a boy I'm gonna love him like no tomorrow! Now all i need is to stop getting sick 24/7!
  • hi im new here i have hyperemisis i am on tablets now but now all i wanna do is sleep
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