Hair done !!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My doctor says, I can get my hair dyed and nails done, but my other pregnant friends swear against it. Im almost 14 weeks along, and wondering what everyone says. Thanks :)


  • I always listen to my doctor above anyone else...they would not give us advice that could harm the baby. Everyone has opinions but doctors go by facts.
  • There has been many back and forths about the hair and nails. If your doctor tells you it is ok then it is more then likely ok. They did go to school to learn how to best take care of pregnant women. I believe the reason that people say not to dye your hair is more because of how your hair will react to the chemicals. From what I have read your hair can be unpredictable while pregnant and you could dye it one thing or perm it and it couild come out the complete opposite. I didn't dye my hair w/ my first two but I had to break down because if you would have seen my roots you would have cried lol. As for nails, I got them done everytime. Me and a pregnant nail tech changed our nails all the time and my kids came out fine. So I agree with your doctor
  • Old wives tale that you can't dye your hair. People think that the chemicals will seep into your blood stream... but almost everything you put on your skin has chemicals. And with the nails, people worry about the fumes- which can be strong, but not harmful if only there for nails.
  • My dr said go for its after first trimester plus after I did mine I felt amazing about myself big plus after gaining 40 ish pounds
  • I got my hair dyed with my daughter! Shes 2 and healthy as can be.
  • I've got my hair dyed and nail done with all 4 my pregnancys and Kidos came out great lol
  • Perfect, because I color my hair every 2 months so thanks everyone :)
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