When do I take away the pacifier? and how?

edited March 2011 in Parenting
Hi moms! So I got a little munchkin who is turning 1 April 23rd and still loves his paci! My husband keeps telling me that he wants it gone after he turns one. Any ideas of how I can get rid of it? and what do u think the oldest age should b for still having a pacifier? thanks!


  • I took my sons away around 1. I started with taking it while he was awake, then I took it at naptime, eventually took bedtime. He did better than I thought. I thinking taking it gradually helped us.
  • @sands3 my hubby suggested to just give it to him during the night for now and not during the day...I hope it works.
  • Yea. That worked for me
  • I also gradually started taking it away during the day and then at nap time. It was gone just before she turned 2. I told her it went home to be with the mommy paci... lol but it worked. she did really good, but it helped that she has a blankie for support. Good luck.
  • My son had his only at bedtime from about 9 months and about 20 months I took it away. We went cold turkey and he must have been ready because he wasn't bothered! I expected some crying but he was great. It helped his baby cousin was born and he saw she had a dummy so we went with the whole babies have dummies line!
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  • My sister had hers till she was two, it was insane, so we came up with the "binkie fairy" we took all the binkies away and told her that they were going to the little kids who needed them around the world, and that the fairy delivered then to the kids who needed them. And that big girls didn't need them like babies did. And that she was such a big help with the babies! It took two days and she was done. Hope this helps! It worked wwith my two nieces as well
  • I did the same as the comment above...i planned on taking it away at two but some one suggested I poke a hole in it or cut it...so when he was 20 months old I cut the tip of ALL his pacifiers (like a million since he loved them so much) and gave them to him...he was so mad and just tge them..he cried a few min that night but never woke and ever since then he has never asked for them at all...good luck
  • I just kept telling my son when he loses his last one then there's no more. And when he lost it he knew that he didn't get another one so there wasnt a fight about it. And he was fine with it.
  • @oavalos06 yea my boy doesn't have a favorite blankie or toy :( it was always his paci...hope it works!
    @littlenat86 lol that's funny! :)
    @isaiahnjocelynsmommy that's a great idea! I heard many mothers doing that and it worked :)
    @myasmommy2009 love the binkie fairy!
  • My kiddos were 1 when we took the passy away. We cut it off cold turkey. It was so hard the first couple of days. But they forgot about it real quick. We figured they were to young to try and figure out why they could only have it at certain parts of the day. And if you keep it around the house you are more likely to give in during a fit.
  • @texasmomma thanks hun...how were the nights without the paci?
  • They have a book out about this.. I forget the name... but its about a fairy that comes at night and takes away all the big kids paci away and givesg them to little babies its cute my cousin did it with her daughter and it worked
  • From a dental stamdpoint, before age 3.
  • @Mostephanite great i'll have to check it out! :)
  • little by little works. you don't have like a "cut off" date to have it taken away. Some kids take a little longer than others so don't think just because he's 1 or 2 he HAS to have it taken away. It bothers me when people tell you you HAVE to take it at a certain age. It depends on you and what you think is best for YOUR baby. Some toddlers need it as a comfort. I'd suggest not trying to take it while going through a transition like moving. I took it after we bought and moved into our new home. It can be a scary thing to lose their comfort of home and paci at the same time.
  • @oavalos06 I'll prob start doing it when I come back from my vacation with him in 2 weeks. That way he can have it on the airplane for comfort. Thanks hun!
  • Anytime and good luck %%-
  • My doc told me to cut the tip of the nipple off. He can still have it, but can't suck on it! I took all bottles away at age 1 for my baby, and snipped all nips off the binkies! It was hard, but worth it!
  • @KmamaToBe how long did it take for him to actually realize that he doesn't have it no more?
  • Well I have a girl, and let me tell ya. She was not a happy camper! She started chucking them at me because she was sooo mad! LMAO!! It was funny!! But it prolly only took 3 months for her to get over it. We just found other ways to passify her. Pop sicles, a snuggle blanket, I even slep on the floor of her room and sang to her just to get her to go to sleep. It was a mess. I alwayse said id never do binkies again, but I'm pregnant now and I figure, I can't take a thumb away!! So if my new baby wants one, that's fine, but ill take all nipples away at a year of age with this one too!! It'll go fast, just stick to your guns mom....think of his teeth!! They will thank you in the end!! Good luck!!
  • @KmamaToBe thanks sweetie!! we are going to try to get rid of it before his first bday next month! :)
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