c section or vaginally?

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
Im so looking foward to delivery!! And im only 5weeks! :D I had such a wonderful experience with my daughter and I just cant wait for this one!!
And idk if its the hormones or me just being me but it pisses me off when I hear women wanting to choose to get a c section instead. Dont get me wrong I understand if it for the babys health like getting stuck or something but like I said when women CHOOSE it...Ughhh sorry if I offended anyone but I had to free these hormones!


  • I would never choose a c section, but that don't mean I not scared of delivery, not because I'm concerned about what my vagina will look like, but because of the pain. I hope I'm as lucky as you are and have a wonderful experience as well!
  • I want to push my baby out I hope I hate c section I'm praying for natural birth!
  • @mymonkeyfamily This is my first and I am only 14 weeks, but I am already getting pumped for it!
  • I'm doing it the old fashion way too :)
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  • I'm agree with you @tiff87124.
  • I agree with @tiff87124 &. finallyamomma. Really? Caring what ur vagina looks like?? Im on my.third and ive never been concerned with that. Never even crossed my mind..
  • I definatly dont want a c section. I think the wording of this.discussion could have been worded diffrent to not come off as being disrespectful
  • Yea im greatful tht I wasnt medically forced into one and got to experiance it and I know some mother tht wish they had tht experience but had some issues during delivery and had to get a c section...so it get me angry to hear ppl want to do it just cuz ur not gonna be "tight" like before or "it will never look the same".. Glad u ladies know where im comming from! :)
  • I had a c section with my first. And I am choosing to have a c section with this one.
  • It goes back just the way it was before. After two v births my goodies still look and feel the same. God created us to have an amazing body that does amazing things. More than likely its the younger girls that are worried what their vag will look like after childbirth.
  • @Karla_with_a_K better? Sorry I was just too excited/angry to care how I worded it! Lol but im calm now!
  • Yes thats better ;)
  • I had a c-section with my first too and I having a c section again. it was for my baby health.
  • Exactly!! My bf/bd loves tht I like having his babies vaginally and agrees with me about this..and its true thts all young girls care bout and its crazy tht older women care bout it too!..
  • @momtobe2 after ur first c section is it true u cant have ur others vaginally? And im glad it was for health reasons as long as ur babies r ok!
  • This is my first child but I've had surgery before and had to have the area where you would normally be cut for a csection cut open to remove so growth off my uterus and was already told I would be at risk for one. I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and been told that after a certain weight, they would schedule a c-section. Would you want to push a 10lb plus baby out?
  • I'm having twins that don't like to turn, so there is a good chance I wont have a choice! Even though I would prefer naturally :)
  • yes. I tried to do it vag. But his heart was going down and I had high blood p. I was only 17 I didnt care about my vag .
  • I can't wait to give birth I'm 27 weeks due date in June and I want a vaginal birth a c section is to much afterwards, u would b in pain u really can't move and that's something I don't wanna go through my plans are goin to continue when I drop babygirl
  • I'm 19 yrs old and don't care one bit about what my vag looks like, however I have previously had problems with meds not working right with me before my pregnancy and have had tailbone problems with the pregnancy since 16 wks and am now 31. After hearing that my tailbone may break if I deliver vaginally I am considering to try to opt for a c-section although the dr hasn't mentioned it. I didn't know people could choose a c-section with their first birth without major complications?
  • edited March 2011
    I prefer vaginally. & I don't think its just the younger girls that are more concerned about what their vagina will look like after. All younger girls I know prefer natural. Either way I believe its each individuals own decision since its their body :-)
  • @sgthalesbabies. My daughter was 9 lb 9 oz and it was a very easy labor. I had a very peaceful natural birth no drugs and sang while I was pushing. Your body is made to have a baby and as long as women can relax and push aside the fear of having a baby it doesn't have to be a hard experience. I would much rather have a 10 or even 11 lb baby vaginally than have major abdominal surgery. On a side note when I had my daughter I did not even tear. Just took my time relaxed and had my baby girl.
    @mymonkeyfamily- I'm with you being excited about the birth. I'm @31 weeks and can't wait to birth my baby boy. Super excited for another great peaceful birth. I've even invited several friends because I want women to see what can happen when you relax and let God handle a birth!! Can't wait hope to sing through this labor too. It was so intense and beautiful with my daughter's birth!!
  • I would do anything to deliver vaginally!! but I didn't get to choose :( my baby was too big for me and my cervix would not open for him. But I'm glad that there's a c section as a second choice to get him out. We don't have a choice really...it all depends on the baby and how it wants to come out. Great luck to you sweetie and congrats!
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  • I want to do it vaginally like I did with my son, but I never really healed from him and am scared to experiencd that pain, probably more, again. Since this baby is going to probably be 2 pounds heavier than my son, I am scared to death that i'll tear from front to back. I don't want the pain of a c-section either... I am just scared shitless either way and confused as all get out. :(
  • I'm scared too! Lol I had a c section with my daughter because she was breech.it went really well and I healed fast. It was scheduled so I don't even know what a contraction feels like and I'm a little freaked out about delivering vaginally this time.
  • I Had both mine narural. Planning on the same with this one. I would never want a c section if I didnt have too. I have two good friends who had to, one had lots of issues, the other was ok after, and I'm so thank full they had that option. But seeing them I'm so glad I had amazing natural births! Wouldn't trade a minute!
  • @blissmarie23 All women's bodies are not made the same, or everyone could deliver vaginally and there wouldn't be emergency c-sections. Just like every pregnancy is different, every delivery is different as well. It's great you were able to deliver a 9lb baby without drugs, but that's not everybodys idea of a birth plan and I don't think people should be judged and condemned for making the choice to use an epidural or other pain management during labor. Usually the Dr is the one who decides if a c-section is necessary, not the patient
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