Question about marriage vs parents - kinda long sorry :)



  • @babycomingsoon143 yeah I get the pell grant and a scholarship. The scholarship isn't specifically for single mothers but for people that have a harder life (being a single mother). Definitely look into it. You'll most likely get a pell grant at least but u can talk to financial aid they'll tell u about different scholarships you qualify for. I get my classes and books and supplies paid for and still get at least a grand left over for whatever.
  • @babycomingsoon143 its things i know hun i dont mind anyone asking, i sent u a message in ur inbox.
  • One thing to remember, a mom and dad are the foundation a family is built upon. You should be united any way you want. And hopefully it includes marriage. It isn't just a label. You can't never get married cuz you are afraid things will change. That is life, change is the inevitable. If you want to get married, do it. After all, your mom isn't marryin him, you are! It sounds to me as if she is scared of losin control over you. You are the mom now. Do what you want for your baby. its your life to live and no one elses. There are no guarantees in life, so make yourself happy!
  • @calebsmommie Aww you are so right, thank you. My bf said the same about her losing control over me. She's always been my best friend and I think she feels she'll lose that. I have a 30 yr old sis, 18 yr old brother and a 16 year old sister and I'm almost 23. My lil sister goes out w her bf whenever she wants, talks back to mom, and just does whatever. I am respectful, always ask permission and I can't do crap. Can't spend the night with him ( bad example and sex before marriage is bad yet I'm PREGNANT) and I am treated as the 16 year old. She only does it to me and I think its because I'm the only one who's concerned with how she feels but now its hard because I'm so limited. :-/ any suggestions?
  • Okay first of all, as long as your poor you can get government help. I'm married I have wicked, medical, and lots of financial aid from my school. I think you should get married if that's what you want to do. Its a decision you have to deal with everyday for the rest of your life, its not something your mom can decide for you. After the baby comes she'll be so happy with her new grandbaby it probably wont be important. You are having a baby, you are an adult, you can make this decision, but make sure you both are ready for it. Marriage is not something to be taken lightly. Good luck
  • @babycomingsoon I understand completely! My mom is my bestest friend too! And my brother (8 yrs my senior) was a disrespectful, uncontrollable mess. So our relationship is very important to her, too. But when I was 18, (31 now) no job and me and hubby wamted to get married, she was my biggest suppprter. Make your own decision and she will see you as an adult, not a child. I'm not saying it will be easy in the beginning, no mom wants her prodigal child to grow up, but she will come around once she sees you can take care of yoirself. Been married 13 yrs, we struggled and needed some help in the beginning, but now we are havin our first baby and everything is great! Btw, I have govt ins. In ks, we don't qualify for any other type of assistance until Caleb is born in july. But ins is a guarantee here!
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